A. Axillary sheath is derived from which of the following fascia-
2.The flexor retinaculum at wrist is attached to all of the following bones except-
3.All of the following are infraclavicular branches of brachial plexus except-
4.Musculotendinous cuff is formed by all except-
6.False regarding Klumpke’s paralysis is-
7.Which of the following shows membranous ossification-
8. Froment test is positive is positive in lesion of-
9.Which of the following is a branch from the trunk of Brachial plexus-
10.Finger drop with no wrist drop is caused by-
11.Flexion of MCP joint and extension of IP joints is the action of -
12.Brachialis is supplied by-
13.If the greater tuberosity of humarus is lost , which of the following movements will be affected-
14.All are flexors of the elbow joint except-
15.Artery present in the anatomical snuff box-
16.Deep branch of the ulnar nerve supplies the following muscles except-
17.Structures piercing the clavipectoral fascia are all except-
18.Sensory loss over lower half of Deltoid occurs due to lesion of-
19.Median nerve paralysis in carapal tunnel syndrome causes loss of sensation in-
20.weight of upper limb to axial skeleton is transmitted by which of the following ligament-
21.All are the contents of Greater sciatic foramen except-
22.Lower end of femur ossifies from one secondary centre which is a proof of viability of fetus. The secondary centre appears at-
23.Ideal bone for taking pieces for bone grafting is-
24.which of the following tarsal bone having no muscle attachment-
25.When the body weight is supported on one limb , the tendency of unsupported side to sag down is counteracted by-
26.Medial thigh muscles are supplied by-
27.Single palmar crease (simian hand) is caused due to paralysis of –
28.avascular necrosis is most common in fracture of
29.Nerves related to Humerus are all except-
30. Moro’s reflex disappears by the age-
31.All are the features of Horner’s syndrome-
32.Median nerve supplies all of the following muscles of hand except-
33.Fine movements of hand is supplied by-
34.No man’s land of palm corresponds to which of the following zone-
35.Lumbar triangle of petit is bounded by all of the following except-
36.most common muscle of rotator cuff to be ruptured is-
37.musculocutaneous nerve supplies all of the following muscles except-
38. which of the following ligament transmits weight of upper limb to first rib -
39.Sanjoy 28yr old attended clinic with the complaint of pain at outer part of elbow, passive wrist extension and rotation is painful. O/e there is tenderness at lateral epicondyle ; diagnosis is-
40.following are the contents of anatomical snuff box except-
41. most common joint of body to be dislocated recurrently-
42.forearm rotation( supination pronation) occurs at-
43.commonest muscle of hand affected in poliomyelitis-
44.which nerve is most commonly injured in lunate dislocation-
45.Whic of the following is known as nerve of Latarjet-
46. After radical mastectomy there was injury to long thoracic nerve. The integrity of the nerve can be tested by asking the pt-
47. which part of subclavian artery is most commonly stenosed-
Question pattern is good but one problem is some ans are doubtfull and one suggestion if possible If the description for the ans ll be added at the end of each question with correct ans it ll be more helpfull.
Other wise it’s really the best
Good, Your views will be considered.
All questions are v good but does this question came opsc or what