1.Immediately after birth of a boy, a moist, red protrusion of tissue is noted just superior to his pubic symphysis. After observation, urine drainage is noted from the upper lateral corners of the tissue mass. What is the diagnosis-
3.which of the following is not an avoidable cause of blindness-
4.living standard of people is best assessed by-
5.Notochord forms which part in post natal life-
6. A child has a unilateral notch in upper lip(see image) Most likely cause of this lip malformation-
7.Human development index does not include-
8. regarding case control study true is-
9. what are the vessels in umbilical cord-
10.Tonsil is developed from:
11. Axillary sheath is derived from which of the following fascia-
12. commonest muscle of hand affected in poliomyelitis-
13. a child complains of fluid coming out of umbilicus on straining. The diagnosis is-
14. a 6 week old boy is brought to the clinic because of fever. Urinalysis is positive for WBC s. physical examination reveals the boy’s urethral opening to be displaced to the inferior aspect of the penis. Which of the following is the embryologic cause of this congenital abnormality-
15.stylohyoid ligament is derived from-
16. Grievous hurt includes all the following except-
17. The following may be the example of privileged communication except-
18. After radical mastectomy there was injury to long thoracic nerve. The integrity of the nerve can be tested by asking the pt-
19. a 5 year old girl is brought to her pediatrician because her mother says she is frequently bumping into stationary objects while playing. Visual field examination shows bilateral peripheral vision defects. CT of the head reveals calcifications in the pituitary fossa. Which of the following is the most likely origin of child’s brain tumor-
20.Malleus and incus are derived from-
21.first organ to attain functional maturity-
22. a patient was on DVT prophylaxis. All of the following has perforators which connect supf veins to the deep veins except-
23. tensor fascia lata is supplied by-
24. organ developed from all 3 germ layer-
25.following is part of ‘sentinel surveillance’ except-
26.Quarantine period should be-
27. Mental ability to make a valid will is-
28.positive predictive value is most affected by-
29.diagnostic power of the test is reflected by-
30. musculocutaneous nerve supplies all of the following muscles except-
31. A lady died due to unnatural death within 7 years of her marriage . Inquest of the case will be done by-
32.true about chicken pox are all except-
33. a 32 year old patient received a badly placed IM injection to the posterior part of his gluteal region. The needle injured a motor nerve in the area. Later he had great difficulty rising to a standing position from a seated position. Which muscle was most likely affected by injury-
34.esophagus enters through-
35.a 62 yrs old male patient expresses concern that his voice changed over the preceeding months. Imaging reveals a growth located within the aortic arch, adjacent to the left pulmonary artery. Which neural structure most likely being compressed-
36. A 40 year old male admitted NIH IPD with a complaint of severe retrosternal pain that radiates to left shoulder. The pain is relieved by bending forward. Auscultation reveals a pericardial friction rub. which of the following nerve is responsible for the radiating pain-
37.septum secundum arises from-
38.Triangle of Koch is bounded by all except-
39.in angina pectoris , the pain radiating down the left arm is mediated by increased activity in afferent fibres contained in the-
40.Attachment to the first rib are all except-
41.if the circumflex artery gives off the posterior interventricular artery, then the arterial supply is called-
42.level of lower border of lung in mid axillary line-
43.A 45 yr old tailor complaints of pain , numbness and weakness of the right hand for the last 3 months. On examination there is hypoesthesia and atrophy of thenar eminence. which of the following nerve is likely to be involved-
44.infection of index finger spread to-
45.first case that comes to notice of physician is-
46.Herd immunity is not seen in-
47.In a randomized controlled trial , the essential purpose of Randomization is-
48.natural history of disease is best studied by-
49. A study revealed lesser incidence of carcinoma colon in pure vegetarian than non vegetariansby which it was concluded that beta carotene is protective against cancer. This may not be true because the vegetarians may be consuming high fibre diet which is protective against cancer.this is an example of-
50.maximum power of destruction of a disease is measured by-
51.sullivan index indicates-
52.silent epidemic of the century is-
53.A study was done to identify the number of Typhoid cases due to exposure from a common well in a village. Groups were formed of carriers and diseased people. What type of study design is represented here-
54.post exposure vaccination is given in-
55.among A population of 50 children 10 are immunized against chicken pox. 5 children developed chicken pox on 2nd Feb, 2022. Other 28 children developed chicken pox within next 2 weeks. What is the SAR of chicken pox-
56.storage temperature of vaccine is-
57.ridel walker coefficient is employed for the assessment of-
58. nosocomial infections are those which develop-
59.disinfection of water by routine chlorination can be classified as-
60.period between the possible time of detection and the actual time of diagnosis is-
61. Toxic shock syndrome is due to which vaccine-
62. Melanoblast cells appear in basal layer of epidermis during:
63. Proximal convoluted tubule develops from:
64. Most common site for avascular necrosis of femur:
65. Chief extensor of knee joint in hip flexion is:
66. Deltoid ligament is attached to all exept:
67. Structure passing deep to flexor retinaculum is:
68. The action of the Anconeus muscle is :
69. Infection of index finger spread to:
70. Artery in anatomical snuff box :
72. Winging of scapula is due to paralysis of which nerve?
73. Axillary nerve supplies:
74. The skin overlying the region where a venous "cutdown" is made to access the Great saphenous vein is supplied by:
75. A pt. presents with defective adduction of the hip joint and pains in the hip and knee joint. which nerve is involved?
76. Injury to head of fibula may involve following except;
77. Main blood supply of neck of femur
78. In case of occlusion occurs at the 2nd part of axillary artery, blood flow is maintained by collateral/ anastomosis between:
79. In co arctation of aorta of the post ductal type, all of the following blood vessels take part in forming the collaterals except:
80. Aortic opening in diaphragm transmits:
81. Vein draining to IVC is:
82. Obstruction of IVC presents:
83. Short saphenous vein is a tributary of:
84. All are accessory muscles of inspiration except:
85. Pleural tapping in mid axillary line, muscle not pierced is:
86. While doing thoracocentesis, it is advisable to introduce needle along:
87. Most common site of Morgagni hernis is:
88. The middle cardiac vein is located at the:
89. What is the uppermost structure in left lung hilum?
90. The most reliable criteria in Gustafson's method of identification is:
91. Best specimen of bone for sex determination is:
92. Pearson's formula is used for:
93. Absent fragmented medulla of hair is seen in all except:
94. Fracture a la signature/ signature fracture is:
95. Sparrow marks are seen in:
96. Injury that comes under sec 320 IPC
97. Constituents of black gun powder is all except:
98. Smokeless gun powder is comprised of:
99. Stellate wound is seen in which of the following bullet entry wounds:
100. In fire arm injury, entry wound blackening is due to:
101. Commonest organ to be injured in primary blast injuries is:
102. Pugilistic attitude is due to:
103. Difference b/w ante mortem and post mortem blisters:
104. Joule burn is seen with:
105. In starvation gall bladder may be distended:
106. For diatoms test the best site for taking sample is;
107. Le facies sympathique is seen in:
108. Hanging causes large amount of injury to:
109. Rigor mortis starts in:
110. Foamy liver is characteristic of:
111. Death sentence can be awarded by:
112. All are cognizable offence except:
113. Declaration of Geneva is related with:
114. In nulliparous, cervical opening is:
115. Which of the following tests is used to detect semen?
116. Spalding's sign is seen in:
117. Child brought to casualty with reports of violent shaking by parents. Most likely injury is?
118. Red velvety appearance of gastric mucosa is seen in poisoning with;
119. Least common complication of lead poisoning in adults:
120. Run amok is a feature of: