Homoeopathy Coaching


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Smarting and burning during and after micturition.

Constriction : in fauces; throat;nares;chest,bladder; urethra; rectum.

After loss of fluids or vitality, particularly in the anaemic; all except.

Cannot turn the head to the left for fear of falling.

Cancerous degeneration of the cervix; cutting pains in abdomen and haemorrhage at every stool.

Deep eating ulcers in fauces; often syphilitic.


Daily colic in infants at 4pm

Typhoid scarlatina,with apathy,scanty or suppressed urine; threatened uraemia.

Nosebleed when washing the face in the morning.

Common name of Collinsonia is

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Face flushes at slightest emotion.

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Spasmodic contractions and twitching of single sets of muscles; all except.

Cough in spasmodic paroxysms caused by dry spot in throat.

Bad effects of suppressed foot sweat.

No inclination for business or study; indolent , indifferent,takes no interest in anything.

Sensation: in abdomen of cutting and rubbing on every movement, as of sharp stones.

Pains lancinating, cutting, burning.

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Sensation of swelling in the perineum or near the anus, as if sitting on a ball with great quantities of ropy mucus in urine.

Constipation : impeded by haemorrhoids; in children with nocturnal enuresis.

Salivation, especially during dentition ; tendency to "wild hairs".

Dropsy from cardiac disease.

When symptoms reappear they change locality or go from one side of the body to the other.

At night , unable to get an easy position or lie still a moment.

Lacerated wounds from blunt instruments; bones bare, crushed; much sloughing of soft parts.

Pains are intermittent , paroxysmal , spasmodic ; painful stiffness of affected joints.

Should not be given low or repeated often , as bad effects often follow. The higher potencies most prompt and effective.

Diseases of elderly persons with marked venous plethora , blue cheeks , blue lips , and great debility .

Ozaena, otorrhoea , excessively foetid discharge , pains worse at night : drive to despair.

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Dysentery of old people ; diarrhoea of children , especially when very offensive.

Cina follows well in intermittent fever.

Weakness of memory and slowness of thought .

After Acon and Bry in pleurisy , when a pressing sensation remains in affected side impending respiration.

Menses < sitting and lying at night.

Intense itching of genitals of both sexes.

Cough dry with sneezing; spasmodic gagging in the morning; face is pale.

In cases spoiled by the use of opium or morphine in complaints of children.

Diarrhoea like dirty water ; of undigested food.

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Sweat of single parts ; coldness of single parts ; continually cold in bed.

Sanguineous congestions in persons of plethoric habit ; often resulting in haemorrhage.

Similar to Rhus , Ruta, strains or injuries of single muscles.

Stool has to be removed mechanically ; all except .

When fever assumes a slow , "sneaking", nervous form , with vertigo.

Unrefreshing sleep or constant sopor ; eyes sunken and surrounded by blue margins.

Ulcers; irritable, inflamed, sloughing, varicose;painful as if beaten ; traumatic and idiopathic neuroma.

Pain worse while thinking of it; all except.

Calcarea acts best before, all Except

Oversensitive of all parts.

The least mental excitement causes profuse return of menstrual flow; all except.

Phlegmatic diathesis; desires to be let alone; wants to lie down and sleep.

Similar to Ranunculus in pleuritic or rheumatic pains of chest.

Leucorrhoea , walking.

Useful after Nux and Sulph have improved , but failed to cure piles.

Often cures dropsy after Apis and Arsen fails

Violent rheumatic pains drive him out of bed at night , compel him to walk about

Great desire for stool, but with the effort the desire passes away without evacuation .

Nausea : in attacks or constant ;<after eating , tongue clean ;of pregnancy.

Constant pain under the lower and inner angle of right scapula , all except

Disease caused by a previous low state of the system; chronic alcoholism.

Looseness of teeth, easily bleeding gums

"Homoeopathic Dispensatoroum Fur Artze and Apothekar" was published in

H.P.I is included in

" Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Committee " was appointed by Central Govt. in

Up to year 1971, which pharmacopoeia was mainly followed in India ?

Vol III of H.P.I has ____ no. of monographs.

1st Authentic Pharmacopoeia of India is

Who defines, 'pharmacy' as - " the art of preparing drugs for use and dispensing them as medicine "

All of the following drugs are not included in any official Pharmacopoeia, except

' It is an art or science , by which crude drug substances are converted into real medicine ' - is the definition of

'Ophidia' group as one of the source of medicine was 1st suggested by

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Which of the following is/are prepared from 'whole plant, excluding root' ?

' Claviceps Purpurea' is an another name of

Which of the following drugs is/are prepared from wood?

'Grey Spider ' is the common name of

Medicine prepared from fresh liver of fox

Which is not a vegetable nosode ?

Malandrinum is prepared from

Flowers are collected in

"Substances belonging to the animal & vegetable kingdom, possesses their medicinal qualities most perfectly in their crude state" - mentioned in

In $ 264, Hahnemann talked about

Which one is false?

Perennial roots are collected in

According to Hahnemann,which instrument is to be used during preparation of ' Tinctura acris sine Kali'

Crucible is made by

Sensitivity of dispensary balance is

Which is not included in homoeopathic pharmacy?

'Posology ' means

Precursor of H.P.U.S

Vol IV of H.P.I published in

The process where liquids are converted directly into valor, and reconverted to its original state by condensation , is called

Sublimation can be seen in

Floating substances in a liquid are sedimented by

After mercurial preparation porcelain mortar & pestle should be washed with

Water bath used in

Saponification value of Lanolin

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Mention the correct sequence of Sp. gravity

Desiccator used in

Crystallization method is used in

Lactometer can measure Sp. gravity of

Sabadilla is prepared from

Commonest habitat of Theridion

Medicine prepared from Cow's milk

Cal Ars is prepared from

Which of the following is belongs to Potash group ?

Which of the following statement is not true ?

Refractive index of Glycerine at 20°c

Which of the following is/are tested by TLC ?

Optical rotation of Sugar of milk

Which is not a Sarcode?

Microscopic examination of drugs has been used since

Micro- sublimation is used in

Anthraquinone alkaloid present in

Aqueous solution of alkaloid when tested with Tannic acid, it gives precipitation of ____ color.

'Emetine', is an alkaloid, it shows ____ colour in Fluorescence test ( done by UV light )

Specific gravity of Belladonna Q

pH of Avena Sativa Q

Rf value of Calendula Q in TLC under UV, before spraying Boric & Oxalic acid

Lanolin is obtained from

Oil Bouchi is prepared from

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Fluxion potency introduced by

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