Eye of hand called___nerve.
Golfer's elbow is an inflammatory condition of
True claw hand is due to palsy of
Most oblique rib is ___ rib
Vertebrochondral ribs are
Coeliac trunk is the ___ branch of abdominal aorta
All are the branches of cerebral part of internal carotid artery except
All are glyco protein hormone
Mineralocoids are release from
Carbonic anhydrase is a___containing enzyme
Macrophage of connective tissue is
Enzyme deficient in DM is
Helmet cells are characteristic of
Libman sack's endocarditis is seen in
Pink frothy sputum is characteristic of
Graham steel murmur occurs in
Monday chest tightness seen in
Reid's index is used in diagnosis of
Necrobiosis lipodica is seen in
Strangulation is common in ___ hernia.
Romana 's sign is positive in
Ranson's criteria used for the assessment of
Commonest type of breech presentation
All predispose to placenta accrete except
In Battledore placenta , the cord is attached
Yuzpe method is a type of
Commonest cause of recto vaginal fistula
Dowry death found in ___ IPC
Corpobasal index is used for determining
Slapped cheeks appearance seen in
Personality change are seen in lesion of ___ lobe .
Spondylolisthesis ___forward slip of vertebra.
____ nerve travels through Guyon's canal at wrist
Pointing index related with ___ nerve.
Social smile found at the age of ____ months.
Caput succedaneum present at
MC cause of acute sinusitis
MC cause of epistaxis in children
Incubation period of Trachoma____ days .
Toxic agent causing endemic ascites
Viral arthritis related to ____ mosquito.
Most heat sensitive vaccine
Warthin- Finkeldy giant cell are seen in
Pale infarct is seen in all except
Protein involved in intracellular connection is
Hematoxylin bodies seen in
Phagocytosis discovered by
Crocodile skin appeaeance is seen in
Gastric lavage is contraindicated in
Horner syndrome occur due to pressure on the
Who said "Poison is everything and nothing is without poison,doses make it a poison or remedy " ?
In Bunsen burner , commonly used fuel is ;
Adrenalin is prepared under which method ?
Removes bad effects of repeated doses of digitalis ;
Nervous weakness ,as if done up after much hard work ;
Toothache while nursing the child ;
Which of the following is not a complementary of arsenic ;
Headache with great loss of hair;
Left sised sciatica better by motion ;
Non-union of fractures, irritable stump after amputation ;
Smallpox eradication was successful due to all of the following reasons except
Secondary attack rate of chicken pox is:
The incubation period of Measles is
All of the following statements are true about Congenital Rubella except
Incubation period of Swine flu
Which of the following lead to an outbreak of influenza in China in 2013 ?
A herd immunity of over ____ % is considered necessary to prevent epidemic spread of diphtheria.
Vaccine for meningococcal meningitis should be routinely given to
One TB infected person can infect how many people in 1 year ?
Incidence of TB in a community measured by :
Oliguric phase of renal failure, all are true,except
Which of the following is not a plasma protein
Among the following which is not the feature of paget's disease of breast
DIC can occur in all of the following except
Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia is caused by
Capillary pulsation in nail bed is
Poisitive urinary anion gap helps to establish the diagnosis of
All of the following are consistent with non proliferative diabetic retinopathy except
Most common type of cerebral palsy is
All are true regarding Menetrier's disease,except
Squaring of vertebra seen in
Prions diseases are all except
Sinus bradycardia is seen in all except
Hereditary spherocytosis -inherent disorder
Non progressive contraction of oesophagus are
Commenest complication of Zenker's diverticulum is
Which is true regarding Barrett's esophagus:
Diffuse esophageal spasm is best diagnosed by
Pancreatic pseudocyst most commonly occurs after
Gold standard test for diagnosis of Insulinoma
All are true regarding Zollinger Ellison syndrome except
Intestinal hypomotility is seen in
Hypergastrinemia with hypochlorohydria is seen in
Pancreatic Cholera is characterized by all except
Most common complication of acute pancreatitis
Hyperkeratosis of palm and sole is seen in
Best substitute of esophagus after Esophagectomy
Helicobacter pylori is not associated with
Most common complication of chronic gastric ulcer is
All are true regarding Early Post - cibal syndrome except
Which of the following is not a malabsorption syndrome
Which of the following vitamin deficiencies is uncommon in celiac disease
Which of the following parasitic infestation can lead to malabsorption syndrome
Toxic Megacolon is most commonly associated with