1.Aphasia that affects the arcurate fibres-
2. Fasciculation is a feature of-
3. Which of the following doesnot cause exaggerated jaw jerk-
4. Which of the following is not affected by a lesion in posterior column of spinal cord-
5. Pyramidal tract involvement with absent ankle jerk is seen in-
6. A 67 yr old male presents with anaemia and posterior column dysfunction, diagnosis is-
7. Which of the following is not true about tabes dorsalis-
8.Commonest cause of stroke in young women in india among OCP users-
9.A young female presents with severe headache and neck stiffness of abrupt onset. She says, she has never experienced such headache. It is associated with nausea and photophobia. Diagnosis-
10. Hemiplegia is commonly associated infarction of area supplied by-
11.Most common location of hypertensive intracranial hemorrhage-
12.Blood in sylvian fissure on CT brain is diagnostic of-
13.Internal carotid artery has following no. of branches in cervical region
14.All of the following cause of subcortical dementia except-
15.A 15 yr old girl presents with fever convulsion, neck rigidity. CSF Findings are protein-150mg,sugar 40mg ,chloride decreased with lymphadenopathy-dx-
16.Most common cause of epidemic viral meningitis is-
17.inclusion bodies seen in progressive myoclonic epilepsy-
18.Prosopagnosia is characterized by-
19.Dysmetria is due to lesion of-
20.Burst supression EEG pattern on EEG IS a feature of-
21.Flapping tremor is found in-
23. inclusion body found in alzhimer's disease-
24.chromosomal anomaly associated with Alzhimer's dementia-
25.commonest type of seizure in newborn-
26.Most radiosensitive tumor of brain is-
27.characteristic feature of frontal lobe tumor is-
28.most common intracranial neoplasm is-
29.all of the following clinical findings are seen in Horner's syndrome except-
30.Which of the following is not a component of Glasgow coma scale-
31.Inverted champaign bottle muscle atrophy occurs in-
32.Herpes zoster in geniculate ganglion causes-
33.a 35 year old female has proximal weakness of muscles, ptosis, easy fatigability. The most sensitive test to suggest the dx is-
34. Fluent aphasia with preserved coprehension and impaired repetation is found in-
35.In parkinsonism following is not present-
36.Fatal familial insomnia is associated with-
37.WHICH of the following brain tumors doesnot spread via CSF-
38.Charcots joint includes all except-
39.ice pack test is done for-
40.A 45 year old female presenting with the history of diplopia and dysphagia worsening as day progresses, dx-
41. Painless burn in hand is characteristic feature of-
42.Female 30yrs presents with episodic throbbing headache for last 4 years. usually involves one half of face with nausea and vomiting; Dx is-
43.Wheel chair sign of Quinn is used as a typical Red flag sign in-
44.Neurological complications of meningitis are all except-
45.Thymoma is associated with-
46.Lateralised , periorbital headache beginning without warning is diagnostic of-
47.Hippocampus lesion affects-
48.First centre that gets activated for voluntary skilled movements is-
49.Subdural hematoma most commonly results from rupture of-
50.UMN and LMN lesion features together with present in-