1. A 60 year old man presents with shortness of breath, increasing abdominal tension and lower leg oedema. He has no prior history of cardiac, renal or liver disease. On examination, the JVP is at 8cm with a negative kussmaul sign but prominent x and y descent. The blood pressure is 95/75 mm Hg, no pulsus paradoxus, pulse 100 bpm low volume and normal heart sounds. There is shifting dullness of abdomen and presence of pedal oedema. His blood glucose and HbA1C are elevated. For the above patient with systemic disease, most appropriate cardiovascular involvement is:
2. Most important cause of dilated cardiomyopathy is?
3. False statement about rheumatization of Mitral Valve is?
4. ECG finding in hypokalaemia is?
5. Most common cause of shock in M.I.
6. Which of the following statement about atherosclerosis is true.
7. A 47 year old woman has new onset transient right arm weakness and word finding difficulty symptoms lasting 3 hrs. She is also experiencing exertional dyspnoea, and had a syncopal event 1 month ago. Her echocardiogram reveals a cardiac tumour in the left atrium, it is pedunculated and attached to the endocardium. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the lesion.
8. Snowman shaped heart is typically seen in
9. JVP finding in complete heart block
10. Normal axis of heart?
11. A 62 year old man with prosthetic aortic valve develops fever and malaise. His valve was replaced 5 years ago because of aortic stenosis from bicuspid valve. He has a systolic ejection murmur but no other abnormalities on examination. Blood cultures are most likely to grow which of the following?
12. A 4 and ½ year old girl always had to wear warm socks even in summer season. On physical examination,it was noticed that she had high BP and her femoral pulse was weak as compared to radial and carotid pulse, a chest radiograph showed remarkable notching of ribs along with their lower borders. This was due to:
13. Wenckebachk phenomenon is defined as:
14. A 74 year old woman suddenly became delirious 1 hour ago. She was well until 5 days ago, when she tripped and injured her right leg; she has been bedridden since the incident. On examination, hera temperature is 37.2 C, BP IS 110/70 mm of Hg, and respiration 32/min. No focal or sensory deficit is present. Passive flexion of right hip causes obvious pain. Pulse oximetry shows an oxygen saturation of 80% and CXR is normal. ECG shows sinus tachycardia. Most likely diagnosis is:
15. A 27 year old male develops high fever with chills. A heart murmur is heard on cardiac auscultation.there is evidence of splenomegaly and splinter haemorrhage in the nails.the patient has:
16. You have been assigned to review the ECGs for the group this month. Many of the patients have renal problems and/or hypertension. For electrolyte abnormality hypocalcaemia, select the electrocardiographic finding with which it is most commonly associated
17. A 57 year old woman presents to the hospital with a 2-hour history of retrosternal chest pain and dyspnoea. Her ECG reveals and acute myocardial infarction pattern. Which of the following ECG pattern is consistent with that interpretation?
18. A healthy middle aged man was arguing with his brother and got emotionally upset due to the arguments with his brother, he suddenly developed chest pain and collapsed. When brought to the hospital, he was declared dead. What is the diagnosis?
19. Which of the condition cause pericarditis due to hypersensitivity: A SLE B Uraemia C Dressler syndrome D Rheumatic fever
20. Pulsus bigeminus is seen in therapy with:
21. Beck’s triad is seen in:
22. All are true about coarctation of aorta except:
23. a wave in JVP is absent in
25. All of the following arteries are common site of occlusion except:
26. A patient has dyspnoea, syncope and angina. What is most likely diagnosis?
27. Which one of the following is not included in Jone’s major criteria
28. SA node is supplied by
29. Contractile dysfunction is the dominant feature of which of the following type of cardiomyopathy?
30. Roth’s spots are seen in
31. Water hammer pulse is seen in
32. Haemorrhagic pericarditis can be caused by
33. NADA’s criteria used for
34. Ewart sign is seen in
35. Coronary aneurysm is seen in
36. Differential cyanosis is seen in:
37. Aschoff’s nodules are seen in
38. The most common site of MI is
39. Hepatomegaly with liver pulsations indicate
40. Severity of mitral stenosis is assessed by
41. Concentric hypertrophy of left ventricle is seen in
42. Double apical impulse seen in
44. Calcification of aortic valve is seen in
45. A patient presents 12 hrs following MI, Test of choice
46. Most common cause of hypertension in adults is
47. Most common cause of renal artery stenosis in young adults in India
48. Mitral valve vegetations do not embolizes to
49. Osler’s node are seen at
50. The most common cause of left ventricular hypertrophy is