Homoeopathy Coaching


Welcome to the online Test GI (PHY & PATHO)

Rennin is present in-

Normal gastric juice contain all except-

Intrinsic factor of castle is secreted by which of the following cells in gastric glands-

Cephalic phase of gastric secretion-

Highest concentration of K+ ion is in-

Secretion in GIT is controlled by-

Salivary amylase is inactivated by-

Lingual lipase is secreted by-

Maximum potassium ion secretion is seen in-

In the stomach H+ ions are secreted in exchange for-

Cephalic phase of gastrin secretion is-

Delta cells of stomach secrets-

Pepsinogen is secreted from-

Daily pancreatic secretion is -

Most important stimulant for bile secretion-

Bile salts acts as-

Vit B12 is absorbed in-

Iron is actively absorbed in-

pepsin is activated by-

Short chain fatty acids produced by bacterias are maximally seen in-

Following are gastrointestinal hormones except-

Best inhibitor of HCL secretion is-

Best absorbable monosaccharide is-

The amount of water sbsorbed in small intestine-

Maximum water reabsorption occurs at-

Secretion of bile into bile canaliculus is by-

Lowest pH is seen in which of the GI secretion-

All have significant role in digestion of fats except-

Gall bladder contraction is stimulated by-

I cell of duodenum secrets-

Pacemaker is formed by which of the following cells in GIT-

GIT pacemaker located at-

Gastric emptying is delayed by all except-

Intestinal motility is increased by-

Paneth cells in the mucosa of small intestine secrets-

Cork screw esophagus is seen in which condition-

Barrets oesophagus zis commonly associated with which of the malignancy-

A 30 yr old lady presents with features of malabsorption and iron deficiency anaemia.duodenal biopsy shos complete villous atrophy. which of the followig antibody is likely to be present-

Skip granulomatous lesion characteristic of-

Non absorbtion of fat soluble vitamin is due to-

most common cause of jaundice in a newborn in first 24 hours-

Highest gastric acid secretion is seen in-

Normal brown colour of stool is due to-

Bile acids are synthesied from-

Which of the following have Highest glycemic index-

Chyme is formed by-

A young patient with dysphagia more for liquids than solids. he vomits at night. radiography shows rat tail appearance. most probable diagnosis is-

Longest transit time in GIT is seen in-

Stimulation for gastric emptying-

Which one of the following is principal site for gastrin production-

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