1.Aspermia is the term used to describe
3.Vulval candidiasis is associated with
4.Gynaecological cancer unusal in young women
5.Greyish white discharge per vagina with formation of bubbles is
6.Ball’s operation is done for
7.Strawberry vagina is seen in infection with
8. Most common form of vaginitis
9.The vaginal epithelium is lined by
10. Ph of vagina is lowest during
11. Vaginal pH in the new born is
12. The shape of nulliparous cervix is
13. All following pelvic structures support vagina except
14. Most common cause of vesicovaginal fistula in india
15. Gonococcus does not involve
16. Chlamydia trachomatis infection commonly involves
17. Chlamydia does not cause
18. Commonest genital infection in female is
19. Gonococcal infection spreads by
20. Most common site involved in TB of genital organs
21. Most common mode of spread of tuberculosis of genital tract is
22. The incidence of endometrial TB is highest in case of
23. Which is most commonly implicated in genital warts
24. Clue cells are seen in
25. Marshall Marchetti krant surgery is done for
26. Manifestation of uretero vaginal fistula by
27. postpartum VVF is best repaired after
28. The test for detecting antisperm antibodies
29. Most reversible form of infertility
30. Spinbarkeitt is mostly demonstrated in the ……. Phase
31. Post coital test is used to asscess
32. All following absolute contraindications for IUCD insertion except
34. IUCD is not contraindicated in
35. Absolute contraindication for copper T
36. Safest contraception in diabetes crisis
37. OCP protects against all except
38. Emergency contraception is done for
39. Best contraceptive in recently married RHD female
40. Progestasert is effective for
41. Tumour marker for choriocarcinoma
44. Bony deformities, hyperpigmentation of the skin, precocious puberty is seen in
45. A 16 year old girl has hirsutism, obesity and oligomenorrhoea is
46. The most common cause of secondary amenorrhoea in India is
47. The commonest cause of primary amenorrhoea is
48. Use of oral contraceptives decreases the incidence of all the following except
49. Most common genital prolapse is
50. HRT is useful in all except