1. After haemorrhage from piles, prostration out of all proportion to amount of blood lost:
2. Acts well after Nux in fainting after a meal:
3. Slow pulse of old age:
4. It antidotes, poisoning with Rhus and stings of insect:
5. Abdomen enormously distended after meals:
6. Sexual excitement even to mania; spasm of uterus; pruritus vulva becomes intolerable:
7. Digestive organs inactive: peristaltic motion reversed or paralyzed; bowels seem closed:
8. Chronic ailments of women; arthritic pains; tendency to miscarriages, especially at third month:
9. Diseases originating in cerebral irritation followed by marked irritation of functions of vagi:
10. Fat, chubby, short necked children disposed to croup and croupy affections:
11. For the mental effects of onanism and sexual excesses:
12. For women: with prolapsus from atony, enervated by indolence and luxury; worn out with hard work, mental or physical; overtaxed muscles burn and ache; so tired cannot sleep:
13. One of our most effective remedies for the bad effects of alcoholic beverages; spasmodic hiccough; delirium tremens:
14. Women subject to epileptic and choreic convulsions; spasms of teething children, or from worms:
15. Anxiety about the heart as if some evil was impending:
16. Child cries out during sleep; rolls the head from side to side; face alternately pale and red:
17. Chorea and hysteria with great hilarity, singing and dancing; alternating with melancholy and rage:
18. Corrosive, foetid, ichorus discharges from mucous membranes; vitality greatly depressed:
19. Dyspnoea: from constriction of middle of chest; < with every labor pain, seems to neutralize the pains; < by exposure to cold or slightest exertion, going up or down stairs:
20. Fainting feeling during haemorrhage:
21. Deafness worse in damp surroundings and with eczematous conditions:
22. Delusions of impending misfortunes:
23. Transverse pains, especially in upper extremities:
24. Inflamed kidney following any acute disease:
25. Ascending sensory and motor paralysis from ends of fingers and toes:
26. Burning in pharynx during menstruation:
27. Coldness of left half of face with stinging pain and dry heat in right half:
28. Deafness after scarlet fever:
29. Establish physiological equilibrium after much dosing, where disease and drug symptoms are mixed:
30. Lochia thin, protracted, offensive, diminished with shooting upwards in vagina:
31. Which of the following may be called “Criminal treason against divine homoeopathy”?
32. Hahnemann detailed about lesser accessory symptoms of chronic disease in _ aphorism of Organon?
33. Which of the following is not an Obvious cause?
34. In which aphorism (of 5th edition) Hahnemann said that “Homoeopathy is the only way to cure, as only one straight line can be drawn betwixt two points”?
35. Silent type of patient that goes and commit suicide:
36. Who criticized (besides Hahnemann) in Hufeland’s journal the ‘mixtures of prescription’?
37. Who compared in analyzing susceptibility with the expression of a vacuum in the individual?
38. Which of the following chronic miasma (when not complicated) is more easily curable?
39. Which is mentioned by Hahnemann to add in medicinal solution instead of alcohol to prevent decay of the solution?
40. Instantaneous temporary relief of red face by Belladonna is an example of _ observation of Kent:
41. Excessive reaction or irritability, where the patient seems to suffer an aggravation from every remedy without improvement. For such state Boenninghausen recommends following medicines, except:
42. Which of the following is the easiest and greatest errors that can be practiced by any graduate in medicine?
43. Law of least action was formulated by:
44. In prolapse uterus the dragging down pain in a woman is:
45. Hahnemann advised that physicians should prepare their own medicine in _ aphorism:
46. 1 drop of liquid medicine can be absorbed by total _ numbers of globules used to prepare 50 Millesimal scale (as per 6th edition of Organon)?
47. Which drug substance should not be taken in pulverized form?
48. Which medicine should be prescribed at the commencement of Cholera?
49. Most considerable and striking symptom of local disease is:
50. Who is the author of the pamphlet “The Isopathy of Contagion”?