Chronic effects of mechanical injury
Faintness or sinking at the stomach, exhaustion, extreme prostration, feels as if he were dying.
Haemorrhage, no mental anxiety
Convulsion of children from cerebral congestions; Meningitis during dentition, cases that seem to call for Belladonna.
Respiration irregular , difficult , deep sighing
Amelioration : motion, walking difficult; compelled to walk even though tired.
When the patient from the first seems doomed, and the most carefully selected remedies fail to relieve or permanently improve.
Complementary of Drosera.
Which one of the following is false about Dulcamara?
Match the following - a) Eupatorium perf (i) Bitter sweet b) Dulcamara (ii) Thoroughwort c) Helleborus Niger (iii) China root d) Dioscorea villosa (iv) Christmas rose
Consider the following statements 1. All suffering < at menstrual period.- Hamamelis 2. Bad effects from loss of blood – Hamamelis, China which of the following statements given above is/are correct.
Consider the following statement which one is false about Graphites.
Always modifies & sometimes arrests ulceration & sloughing
Correct about hypericum are i) Spine sensitive to touch worse morning ii) prevents Lockjaw iii) Removes bad effects of shock, of mesmerism . iv) Convulsion, after blows on head or concussion.
Match the following: a) Hypericum (i) Spasmodic Asthma, suffocative attacks, wakes up from sleep to eat something. b) Dulcamara (ii) Asthma worse foggy weather & relieved by profuse perspiration c) Hepar sulph (iii) Asthma after suppressed eruption must bend head back & sit up. D) Graph (iv) Asthma with dsynea
Which one of the following is wrong
Complementary to calendula in injuries of soft parts.
Vertigo at night with urging to urinate
In goitre after spongia the medicine can be given
Sensation of soreness & heavyness in pelvis
Glonoinum is drug prepared from
Vertigo on seeing flowing water when walking over water, as when crossing a bridge.
Often relieves the constant distressing night cough in tuberculosis
Follows : Bell well in deafness after apoplexy
Children : fear of falling, grasp the crib or seize the nurse
Match the following aggravation a) Gelsemium (i) eating or drinking cold things b) Hepar (ii) bending double c) Dioscorea (iii) after exposure to south wind. d) Euphrasia (iv) tobacco smoking
When attempting to clear the throat of an offensive mucus in the morning, gagging until he vomits the breakfast just eaten.
For the bad effects or abuse of mercury.
Should never be given in syphilis, always aggravate the condition.
Canine hunger , or loss of appetite, with extreme dislike for all food.
Compare Bapt in threatening typhoid fever
Nux Vom or opium in haemoptysis of Drunkards
Fear of death , utter lack of courage
Children get sick in the evening when sitting before an open coal fire, or falling asleep there.
Always better when occupied, when not thinking of the ailment
Similar to alet in debility from prolapsus, protracted illness, defective nutrition.
Middle of lower lip cracked
Headache in place of menses
Diarrhoea of consumptives
Cancer breast, hard adherent; skin mottled, puckered, pains knife like, sharp, cutting, nipple retracted
Uterine haemorrhage from jolting while riding over rough roads
“Is the Aconitum of the venous capillary system”
Aggravation tobacco smoking
Sensation of feather in larynx, exciting cough