1.Chemical analogue of Ipecac is
2.According to J.T.Kent “Escape of gas when urinating” is found only under this medicine
3.The symptom,“Sensation as if breath would leave her when lying down”is seen in
4.”Sore throat beginning and ending with menses” is the symptom of
5. Match the following (A) Suffering parts emaciate (1) Tabacum (B) Emaciation of cheeks & back (2) Lobelia inflata (C) Nervous prostration (3) Graphites (D) Inclined to be fleshy (4) Picric acid
6. “Sensation as if cold air was blowing on her, even while covered up; as if sheets were damp”,the medicine is
7. Who is the prover of Kalmia
8. Vegetable analogue of Kali sulph is
9. Thirst of Sarsaparilla is
10. Vertigo on descending is seen in
11. Complementary medicine of Ferr met is
12. “Must change position frequently, but it is painful and gives little relief” this symptom is seen in
13. Which among the following medicine is not having “Hydrogenoid constitution”
14. “Retention and incontinence of urine after labour” ,this symptom is seen in
15. According to Lippe “persistent diarrhoea in those treated with large doses of the drug” is seen in
16. Scientific name of “Aswagandha” is
17. Which among the following medicine comes under “Lichens”
18. Match the following (A) Black widow spider (1) Tarentula cubensis (B) Black Cuban spider (2) Aranea diadema (C) Hairy spider (3) Latrodectus mactans (D) Garden spider (4) Mygale lasiodora
19. Which among the following is not a “Sarcode”
20. “After hemorrhage from piles prostration out of all proportion to amount of blood lost” medicine is
21. Which among the following medicine is not a member of “Ranunculaceae”
22. “Prolapse of uterus, many cases of years standing cured” medicine is
23. “Every spring skin affections reappear” medicine is
24. Which medicine is indicated for obstinate cases of constipation after Nux vom has failed
25.What is common between “Rhubarb” and “Yellow dock”
26. Which medicine is indicated for “Headache from too much thinking, too close application or attention, from worms
27. Complementary drug of Stann met is
28. “Painless diarrhoea after midnight” – indicated medicine is
29. Painless diarrhoea from fear is seen in
30. Which medicine is indicated for the ailments from the abuse of metals generally?
32.Menses of Nux vomica is
33. “Chill beginning in thighs” is seen in
34. “Flooding with fainting” is seen in
35. Trill pendulum is complimentary to which medicine in menstrual and hemorrhagic affections
36. “Single cough on rising from bed in morning” is seen in
37.Who is the prover of Kali bich
38. Inimical medicine of Ignatia is
39. According to Swan “almost a specific for gall stone colic, relieves the distress at once especially after failure with Nux vom, Cinchona, Carduus, Podophyllum etc.
40. “Child constantly handles the penis” is the symptom of
41. Which medicine is indicated in scrofulosis when the best chosen remedies fails to relieve
42. Nausea from fast riding in a carriage is seen in
43. Which medicine has got aversion to milk and dirrhoea from it
44. Match the following (A) Forgets initial letters while writing (1) Nux mosch (B) Omits final letters while writing (2) Syphilinum (C) Does not recognize well known streets (3) Medorhinum (D) Can not remember names of books persons (4) Lac can
45. “Fat, chubby, short necked children disposed to croup and croupy affections” – medicine is
46. “Thirsty and hungry yet as soon as they begin to eat or drink they lose all desire” – medicine is
47. Neuralgia everyday at the same hour is seen in
48. “Prolapse of uterus, seemingly in hot weather” is seen in
49.Find out the medicine from the following symptoms Ailments from cutting wisdom teeth Craving for meat Diarrhea occurs regularly every three weeks Heart-burn of pregnancy
50. Who is the prover of Anthracinum