Face pale, death like appearance and bluish red
Suited to women ,inclined to obesity,who suffers from habitual constipation; with a history of delayed menstruation
Nervous temperament: plethoric,florid, sensitive women;persons readily affected
Bad effects from falls , contusions or mechanical injuries of external parts
Persons of feeble digestive powers , old or young
Patients with weak or exhausted vitality hence are extremely susceptible to the diphtheritic virus ; when the attack from the onset tends to malignancy
Bruised feeling, as if broken ,all over the body
Women who are weak , delicate, chlorotic, yet have a fiery red face
For children , young people, especially women of a nervous hysterical temperament
Constant, titillating cough in children, begins as soon as head touches pillow at night
Complaints of old age, or of premature old age ; in syphilitic mercurial dyscrasia
Irritability ; slight noises like crackling of paper drive him to despair
Children get sick in the evening when sitting before an open coal fire, or falling asleep there
Catarrhal affections of mucous membranes, especially of the eyes and nose
Severe dull pain in the bladder , as from distention, not > after urinating
Painful soreness of eyeballs
Swallows without pain, but fluids are vomited or returned by the nose; breath horribly offensive
Griping pains in abdomen about umbilicus
Nocturnal cough of young persons in phthisis ; bloody or purulent sputa
Mental confusion ; cannot find the right word for anything
Nightly emissions, with great weakness of genitals after coitus
Fidgety while sitting at work
Bas effects from having the hair cut
Increased ability to exercise without danger ; is less affected by excessive heat of summer or cold of winter
The shrub flowers from September to November, when the leaves are falling. The seeds mature the following summer
Deep circumflex iliac artery is a branch of
Medial longitudinal arch of foot is not formed by-
M/c site for stress factor in belle dancer ?
Venous pump is defined as -
The nerve involved in Tarsal Tunnel syndrome is -
The muscle that does not innervate the sole of foot -
Femoral vein lies ____ to femoral artery -
Abduction and adduction of the forefoot occurs at-
Pain from hip joint is referred to -
The content of femoral sheath is /are-
Anastomosis around the knee - which is true ?
Oblique popliteal ligament is the continuation of -
Trendelenburg's sign is positive with the paralysis of -
The number of perforators of the great saphenous vein in the leg is -
Peroneus brevis is inserted on
Wrist joint is an example of
1st and 2nd interossei are supplied by -
Rupture of supraspinatus manifest as -
Infection of index finger spreads to -
Ulnar nerve injury at wrist involves following except -
The weight of upper limb is transmitted to axial skeleton by which ligament ?
Arrangement of structure in cubital fossa from lateral to medial side are -
The law of similia similibus curantur was known to:
"Anti homoeopathic archive" was written by:
Who called Homoeopathy as "The Science of Vital dynamics" :
Who published First Periodical of Homoeopathy:
Father of Indian Homoeopathy is:
Most deplorable type of disease is:
Who said "there is no disease , but sick people"
If the prover can't write he must inform the physician :
A weaker dynamic affection is permanently extinguished by _____ one :
James krauss describe Hippocrates, Galen, Paracelsus and Hahnemann as:
Which is not a Synonym of Antipathy :
Which one is the prophylactic of purpura Miliaris :
The first and foremost aim of the physician is:
Who wrote the book " Thirty five years in East, Adventure, Discoveries"?
Blood thirsty Parisian physician was:
The 4th edition published in:
The no of section contained in 4th edition of Organon:
____ symptoms are important for diagnosis of disease:
The word "Materia pecans" is ____ derivation:
Vital force first introduced in ____ edition of Organon:
Diseases can be cured by ______ medicine:
The word " Life Principle" is introduced by :
Cullen's materia Medica translated by Hahnemann's in the year :
Cullen was a professor of :
The most worst kind of chronic disease is:
The principle involved in vaccination is:
The system of Logic is written by:
Father of Public health is
Virulence of a disease is indicated by
Systemic alphabetical REPERTORY published in the year ___ .
In 1873 berridge REPERTORY of the ___ .
Repertory of Intermittent fever written by ____.
Repertory of diarrhoea written by