1. In Kent’s repertory, ‘Awkwardness’ is found under-
2. ‘Takes serious things very lightly’-
3. Desire to be magnetized
4. 'Stool passes better when standing' is a peculiar symptom of-
5. All are 'logical utilitarian' except
6. Breteau index used for -
7. What medicine was prescribed to Boenninghasen for his tuberculosis ?
8. Koplik's spots are seen in
10. The most common location of vicarious menstruation is the
11. Coffee bean sign is usually seen in :
12. Death caused by an negligent act by a doctor is punishable under
13. Inverted triangle sign in footend of synthesis repertory indicates-
14. Never been same since attack of influenza --as per JH Clarke drug is-
15. Lead paint stool is a feature of-
16. (A) Assertion-pellagra is prevalent in maize eating people (B) Reason-maize contain low tryptophan choose the correct answer-
17. Psorinum patient doesnot improve while using-
18. Mischiviousness is a feature of-
19. Single wart on finger is an example of-
20. Pyromania, chyne stokes breathing ---rubric is found in-
21. Highest number of rubrics found in Gentry's repertory under the chapter-
22. Hahnemann's medical essay was first published in-
23. Kent's 12 th observation is related to which of the following aphorism-
24. Corkscrew oesophagus is seen in-
25. Budd chiary syndrome is due to thrombosis of -
26. A woman presents with 10 weeks of amenorrhoea, pain and blleeding. On examination the uterus is 10 weeks size, soft and internal os is open. The diagnosis is-
27. A 20 years female present primary amenorrhoea , absent breast , hypoplastic uterus. Most probable diagnosis is-
28. Delivery of head in normal labour is by the following movement-
29. Most common site of metastasis of choriocarcinoma is-
30. Hemorrhage after thyroidectomy is due to-
31. WHO Rose questionnaire is used for-
32. Leucorrhoea with moth spots on forehead is found in-
33. Relieves burning pain of ca-pancreas -- medicine is-
34. Cancer and cancerous states , before ulceration where pain is the principal symptom- medicine is-
35. Pulse more rapid in the morning than evening is found in-
36. Nightly emissions, with great weakness of genitals after coitus --medicine is-
37. Often cures lasciviousness when Hyosyamus fails-
38. Unable to urinate without standing with feet wide apart and body inclined forward-
39. First sensory loss in Neurosyphilis-
40. Paralysis chiefly of extensors, forearm or upper limbs, from centre to periphery --medicine is-
41. Medicine to fatten patient cured with Tuberculosis-
42. If vertigo and headache be very persistent , or prosration be prolonged after natrum mur which of the following will relieve-
43. Dropping of lower jaw in typhoid fever is seen in-
44. Toes never lifts the floor and heel never touches the floor with exaggerated reflexes is found in -
45. Nalgonda technique is used for-
46. Malnutrition is diagnosed by village health guide by-
48. Index of communicability of an infection is-
49. Wickham's striae is seen in-
50. Bone within bone appearance is found in which disease-