1. PCOD can lead to which cancer-
2. Sensory nerve supply of gall bladder is through-
3. Disease not transmitted by aedes aegypti is-
4. Most appropriate time of chorionic villus sampling is-
5. During outbreak of epidemics first thing to do is:
6. Constituents of black gun powder are all except:
8. Paultaff hge are seen in
9. Receptor for stretch reflex is:
10. Haemoglobin first to appears in fetus is:
11. blood supply of external nose is
14. which of the following is the largest sesamoid bone?
15. korsakoff’s psychosisoccurs in the deficiency of one of the following
16. Where does rigor mortis starts from?
17. what is the most common type of transmission of leprosy?
18. Uvoparotid fever is charachteristically seen in
19. Hydatiform mole is a disease of
20. Which of the following is most common type of ectopic pregnancy?
21. Koplic spot are seen in
22. Berger’s nephropathy is
23. what is the most common cause of blindness in India?
24. All of the following vaccine are killed except
25. melanine & Melatonine is respectively synsethised from
26. which of the following has highest calcium content/
27. hemophilia is due to deficiency of
28. carple tunnel syndrome is due to compression of
29. HCL acid secreted in stomach by
30. Lumber puncture is contraindicated in
31. Typhoid diagnosed in first week by
32. oliguria occurs when urine passes less than in 24 hr
33. reservoir of leptospirosis is
34. First postmortem ddone in india in
35. Heamoptysis is seen in
36. FROMENT’S SING seen in paralysis of
37. Honey comb liver seen in
38. Which hepatitis is most common during pregnancy?
39. which of the following is most prominent spine?
40. dietary fat maximus absorbed by
41. Largest vertebral body is
42. commonest cause of cellulitis is
43. The syndrome associated with grossly pigmented liver is
44. Gastric ulcer caused due to
45. Tubular breathing is found in
46. Epidemiological study of Hep- B is done by
47. TYPE-4 Hypersensitivty reaction seen in
49. Myopic eye cannot see
50. Headquarter if UNICEF is in