1. Secondary commonest in deposits from
2. Greenish discharge of nipple is seen in
3. Heller's operation is done in
4. Common indication of total hysterectomy for benign lesions
5. Which of the following fact about Centchroman is right
6. Which of the following parasitic infestation can lead to malabsorption syndrome?
7. Which of the following types of pancreatitis has the best prognosis
8. 5'-Nucleotidase activity is increased in
9. Shrinking lung is a feature of
10. Bilateral parotid enlargement occurs in all except
11. Which is not a feature of polymyositis?
12. Increased aldosterone leads to all except
13. Which is pathognomonic for motor neuron disease?
14. Functions of limbic system include all except
15. The principle that is the spinal cord dorsal roots are sensory and the ventral roots are motor is known as
16. Vomiting centre is situated in
17. Hyperkalemia stimulates secretion of
18. The normal basal acid output is
19. The first reactive change haemorrhage is
20. The basis for Korot koff sounds is due to
21. Cave of Ritzeius is found
22. Pyramidalis is supplied by
23. Valvulae conniventes are seen in
24. Duct of Bellini is seen in
25. Fracture of the surgical neck of humerus results in
26. Lower angle scapula is at the level of
27. Nerve supply of trapezius
28. Thoracic duct is also called
29. Which of the following is not a boundary of the Koch's triangle
30. Fascia cribrosa is related to
31. Which structure is homologous to gubernaculum testis?
32. Which is known as transverse cervical ligament?
33. Which is the most tortuous part of the fallopian tube?
34. At which age the ratio of cervix and body of uterus corresponds to 2:1
35. Which condition is not true for pelvic veins
36. The sensory supply of fallopian tube and each other ovary is from
37. When does the number of oogonia reaches the maximum?
38. What is the number of oogonia at birth?
39. Menorrhagia is found commonly in
40. Which type of incision is preferred in cases of imperforate hymen?
41. Which are not the Indications of oestrogen therapy in menopause?
42. Maximum action of corpus luteum is
43. What is the best evidence of ovulation?
44. Which is the congenital cyst?
45. Which layer is not shedded during menstruation?
46. Which is the most common position in which patient is examined"?
47. Blood vessel related to paraduodenal fossa-
48. Lymphatic drainage of clitoris is to-
49. All are true regarding uterus except
50. Boundary of calots triangle all except-