Homoeopathy Coaching

Nephro physio patho

Welcome to the online Test Nephro physio patho

Main function of juxztamedullary nephron is-

Maximum water absorption occurs in which part of nephron when ADH secretion is normal-

Acidification of urine occurs at-

Kidney ecrets all except-

Erythropoitin is secreted by-

which of the following has maximum transport value-

first urge to void urine is felt when bladder urine vol is-

Water deprivtion test is used to assess-

Salt loosing nephritis is a feature of -

In leprosy most common renal lesion is-

An 8 yrs old patient presents with history of diarrhoea, followed by decreased urine output. Blood examination shows thrombocytes-90000/cm^3. diagnosis is-

All of the following decreased in nephrotic syndrome except-

which characteristic feature is seen in kidney in malignant hypertension-

Low renin Hypertension is seen in all except-

which of the following is secreted and absorbed in renal tubule-

Glomerular filtration barrier is formed by all except-

.Primary driving force for counter current multiplier is-

Inducible buffer in kidney is-

Fetal kidney achieves adult concentrating capacity at the age of-

Most common cause of Nephrotic syndrome in adult is-

Flea bitten kidney is found in-

A 65 yrs old male smoker presents with gross total painless hematuria. The most likely diagnosis is-

Good pasture syndrome is characterized by-

which of the following is the first clinically detectable sign of diabetic nephropathy-

Overt symptoms of renal failure become evident when renal function deteriorates by more than-

Nail and half nail sign seen in uremia is-

restless leg syndrome is found in-

A young man develops gross hematuria 3 days after an attck of upper respi tract infection. likely renal pathology is-

m/c glomerulonephritis in IgA nephropathy is-

collapsing glomerulopathy, hilar stalk lesion these are variant of FSGS found in which disease-

Glomerulonephritis with normal complement level found in all except-

The protein Nephrin is synthesized by NPHS -1 gene. It causes glomerulopathy of which of the following variety-

cells commonly seen in a patient with renal disease is-

ENLARGED KIDNEY is seen in all except-

Pinch purpura in eye is seen in-

Association of deafness and nephritis is seen in-

all of the following statement are true about Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome except-

presence of which correlates best with CRF-

in a child non functioning kidney is best iagnosed by-

most common cause of chyluria is-

hypercoagulation in nephrotic syndrome is caused by-

classical triad in renal cell carcinoma-all except-

which of the following organ involvement indicates poorest prognosis in systemic sclerosis-

Renal papillary necrosis occurs in-

wire loop lesions in kidney is found in-

loss of foot process in electron microscope is found in-

most importnt determinant of wilms tumor-

Minimal change GN following are clinical feature exzcept-

rugger jersy sign is found in-

Bence jones proteis which is found in urine of multiple myeloma are derived from-

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