Homoeopathy Coaching

General – PATHO

Welcome to the online Test General - PATHO

The hallmark of acute inflammation is-

’Heart failure cells’’ found in lungs in chronic passive congestion are actually-

A lymph node biopsy was diagnosed as Tuberculosis. This type of necrosis is characteristic of-

Changes of uterus during pregnancy is an example of-

.A systemic disease of unknown cause characterized by non-caesating granuloma in many tissue and organ particularly in bilateral hilar lymph nodes,lungs,eye and skin is-

Ronnie , a 45 yr old found in ICU in comatose condition with liver failure.After few days he died. His liver at autopsy showed several hepatocytes with hyaline Mallory bodies in cytoplasm.This finding is most typical of-

which of the following is called guardian of genome-

fibrinoid necrosis is found in –

Gangrenous necrosis affecting scrotum is known as-

earliest change seen in cell injury-

Tomb stone appearance of affected tissue is found in which type of nrcrosis-

An chronic alcoholic complaining of pain in upper abdomen that radiating to back with severe vomiting. He has bluish discoloration around umbilicus. Most diagnostic test for the patient is-

On electrophoresis a cell shows step ladder pattern of DNA chromatin material. The cell has undergone-

which of the following is most characteristic feature of Apoptosis , programmed cell death-

Which of the following statement regarding caspase (cysteine protease enzyme involved in apoptosis) is true-

Most Important indicator for free radical injury-

Dystrophic calcification is seen in all of the following conditions except-

Most potent chemoattractant in acute inflammation is-

Patch test for contact dermatitis is an example of which type of hypersensitivity reaction-

Lines of zahn are present in which type of thrombi-

Hoffbauer cell is a modified macrophage seen in-

councilman body is found in-

Durck's granuloma is found in-

Trosseau phenomena or superficial migratory thrombophlebitis is most commonly found in-

''Heart failure cells" found in-

Hurthle cells are large eosinophilic cells derived from thyroid follicular epithelium found in-

Important tumor marker that indicates hepatocellular carcinoma is-

Sago spleen and lardaceous spleen is found in-

Which of the following is indicative of free radical injury (brown atrophy) of an organ-

Marker of apoptosis is-

In zenker's degeneration the pathology involved is-

A lesion in esophagus 3 cm away from gastroesophageal junction contain columnar epithelium such lesion is-

Medullary carcinoma of thyroid is associated with mutation of-

The most radiosensitive cells are-

Most common site of thrombus formation that causes pulmonary embolism is-

Earliest transient change following tissue injury is-

Granuloma is pathological feature of all except-

Sure sign of malignancy is-

Which is a tumor supressor gene-

Caesating granuloma seen in all except-

Fat storing cells in liver is known as-

A.LD body I.alzhimer ds B.Lewy body II.kala azar C.Negri body III.rabies D.Hirano body IV.parkinsonism

Fenton reaction is found in-

Metastatic calcification is found in all except-

CONDITIONS HYPERSENSITIVITY A.GP syndrome I) B.allergic rhinitis II) C.PAN III) D.Mantoux test IV)

Red infarct is seen in all except-

Most sensitive neurons in the brain -

Following features are indicative of irreversible cell injury, except-

Prostaglandin is associated with-


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