1.Idiosyncrasy is helpful in ?
2. Whenever a patient comes after being treated in allopathy, he should be ?
3. The grosser over whelming symptoms are ?
4. De medicine future is dissertation of ?
5. Most deplorable most incurable of all the chronic disease ?
6. The healing art will then come near the mathemetical sciences in certainity is mentioned in ?
7. Reine Arzneimitttellehre is german name of?
8. First homoeopathic journal written by ?
9. conjoint malady is given in aph?
10. Requisite qualities of physician are mentioned in aph?
11. In FN of section 67 Hahnemann recommends coffee,camphor,ipecac for poisoning by ?
12. Who said A well taken case is half cured?
14. Avoidable noxious influence are ?
15. Who was the father of medicine?
16. Who wrote novum organum?
17. Hahnemann describes whom as genuine philanthropist?
18. Symptoms produced by medicine more frequently in very few healthy bodies are?
19. Which among the following is not a recurrent miasm ?
20. Feigned disease is mentioned in which aphorism ?
21. Susceptibility is modified by?
22. Lord bacon was native of ?
23. if medicine proved on sick person and if the drug symptoms are siilar to this disease the following result will be?
24. Mention which type of idiosyncrasy which is most difficult to cure?
25. Who compared susceptibility to that of vaccum?
26. In a mixed prescription which is the principal remedy?
27. Who coined term vital principle
28. Who betowed Boeninghausen the right to practice
29. During drug proving the symptoms of the primary action alone of the drugs are to be noted, except narcotics are mentioned in which aphorism ?
30. The first step in the evolution of homoeopathic therapeutics was ?
32. First volume of First edition of materia medica pura contains?
33. A birds eye view of dr hahnemann organon written by
34. Building of materia medica pura is given from aph no?
35. Three point necessary for curing is given in Aph no?
36. During drug proving pathogenic power of narcotic substances are noted during ?
37. Which of the following is admissible during the application of law of similia ?
38. During human drug proving, exotic vegetable substances should be proved in the form of ?
39. The following is recommended during drug proving ?
40. The decimal scale of potentisation of homoeopathic medicines was introduced by ?
41. The true natural chronic disease are that arise from?
42. Prevention is better than cure is given in aph no?
43. I like open air is the?
44. The quality of an ideal prover?
45. Organon of medicine originally written in?
46. The chronic disease that is most easily cured is
47. Which one of the following is a contribution by JH Clarke
48. No of aphorisms in 4th edition of organon
50. Which is the observation which details the action of medicine on provers
Why there is double numbering, please work on it