Homoeopathy Coaching

Renal physiology

Welcome to the online Test Renal physiology

1. Aldosterone causes

2. Site of ADH action is

3. True statement among the following

4. Which one of the following is not responsible for concentration of urine in the kidneys

5. Ammonia in the kidney tubules is excreated in exchange for

6. Nephrocalcinosis is common in renal tubular acidosis of which type

7.In type ii RTA serum potassium level is

8. Source of ammonia in urine is

9. Recurrence of lesions is seen after renal transplant in all except

10. All are features of nephrotic syndrome except

11. Polyuria is a feature of all of the following except

12. Nephrocalcinosis is a feature of

13. Bicarbonate is maximally absorbed in

14. Renin secreted by

15.Macula densa in kidney is located in relation to

16. Tubular function of kidney is best assessed by

17. Renal GFR can be estimated by

18. Atonic bladder is due to

19. Ideal imaging modality for renal arterial hypersion

20. Which of the following is not an absolute indication for dialysis

21. Most common renal pathology of shock is

22. To differenciate proximal from distal renal tubular acidosis,what is the test used ?

23. The major contribution to anion gap is from

24. Urinalysis shows RBC casts ,likely source

25. Central nervous system manifestation in chronic renal failure are a results of all of the following except

26. Most diagnostic of renal physiology

27. Renal artery stenosis may occure in all of the following except

28. The neurological disorder seen in CRF patients on dialysis

29. Salt loosing nephropathy is a feature of

30. Papillary necrosis is most commonly seen in

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