Welcome to your Respiratory Physiology
1. The normal dead space is about
2. Which is seen in high altitude
3. Functional residual capacity of lung is defined as
4. Surfactant synthesis starts after about
5. Arterial 02 content is reduced in one of the following
6. Small airways have laminar air flow because
7. Herring breuer reflex is an increase in
8. Pulmonary artery pressure is
9. Damage to pneumotaxic centre produces
10. Activation of which receptor causes pulmonary vasoconstriction
11. Which of the following is a neuroendocrine function of lungs
12. Which law is applicable for surfactant action
13. Cyanosis is not seen in
15. Nitrogen washout method is used for estimating
16. Maximal breathing capacity is
18. Carotid body is situated at
19. Expiratory centre controlled by
20. In healthy adult 24 hrs production of CO2 is about
22. Mouth to mouth respiration provides an oxygen concentration of
23. Total lung capacity depends upon
24. Hypoxemia does not depend on
25. CO2 retention is seen in
26. Hypercarbia is characterized by
27. Pneumotaxic centre is situated in
28. Epithelial lining of alveoli is
30. Maximum voluntary ventilation is
31. During the initial part of inspiration, which of the following does not occur
32. Which occurs after hyperventilation with 6% CO2
33. Ventilation perfusion ratio is maximum in
34. Commonest cause of Cheyne-stokes breathing is
35. O2 therapy is not effective in
36. "inflation of lungs induces further inflation" is explain by
37. From lung to tissue oxygen transported is
38. The first compensatory mechanism in high altitude sickness is
39. Right shift of the O2 dissociation curve is not present in
40. CO2 carried maximally in the blood in which form
41. Surfactant is secreted from
42. Maximal airway resistance is offered by
43. Hypoxia due to non-utilization of oxygen in tissue level is
44. Lung diffusion capacity increase in
45. Which of the following does not occur in high altitude acclimatisation
46. Arterio-venous 02 difference decrease in which hypoxia
47. Anatomical dead space of normal lung is
48. The venous concentration of 02 (PO2) is
49. Closing volume of lung determines
50. N2 has a role in body as it