1.Increasing difficulty in swallowing both for solids and liquids in a woman with bird's beak appearance in x-ray seen in-
2. Commonest site for ca esophagus in India-
3.In contemporary world , most common indication for splenectomy is-
4. Downward displacement of spleen is prevented by-
5. Strangulation most commonly occurs in-
6.Most common complication of peptic ulcer is-
7. An old man presenting to the emergency following a bout of prolonged vomiting with excessive hematemesis following alcohol consumption is likely suffers from-
8.The gold standard for diagnosia of Gastro esophageal reflux disease(GERD)-
9.Which is most common site for iatrogenic esophageal perforation-
10.Kehr 's sign in splenic rupture is-
11.Hesselbach triangle is bounded by following except-
12.Commonest complication following hemorrhoidectomy-
13.Rovsing sign is seen in-
14.A patient of peptic ulcer disease. When investigated endoscopically showed chronic antral gastritis.Which of the following dye will be able to stain the specimen-
15.Sister Joseph's nodule may indicate cancer of all the following except-
16.When carcinoma of stomach develops secondary to pernicious anaemia, it is usually situated in the-
17.All are the features of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis except-
18.In a burn patient , the doctor is looking for curling ulcer . which part should be examined-
19.A previously healthy infant presents with recurrent episodes of abdominal pain . Mother says that child has been passing altered stool after each episodes of pain, but gives no History of vomiting or bleeding per rectum. most probable diagnosis is-
20.Most common presenting complications of meckel's diverticulum is-
21.Typhoid perforation occurs during-
22.Water lily appearance on a chest radiograph suggests-
23.Most common benign tumor of liver is-
24.Tumor marker for Hepatocellular carcinoma-
25.Investigation of choice in acute cholecystitis is-
27.Bird of prey sign is seen in radiographic barium examination of-
28.All are component of saint's triad except-
29.A 24 year old male having fever for 15 days starts having acute pain and distension of abdomen , abdominal examination reveals generalised tenderness with guarding. The mostly diagnosis is-
30.String sign of kantor seen in-
31.coiled spring appearance is seen in-
32. MONU, a 30 year old male , a chronic alcoholic presents with pain in upper abdomen radiating back. all are seen except-
34.Double bubble sign is found in-
35.Most common site for anorectal abscess-
36.A lady presents with three day history of epigastric pain radiating to back.Serum amylase levels were observed to be normal while USG abdomen reveals GB stone and an enlarged pancreas. Diagnosis is-
37. Commonest site of intestinal atresia is-
38.Most common type of intussusception-
39.Whipple triad is seen in-
40.Acute pseudo obstruction of the colon is known as-
41.Cobble stone appearance is seen in-
42.Increased amylase levels in pleural fluid seen in-
43.Investigation of choice in acute pancreatitis-
44.Most common organ that herniates through morgagni hernia-
45.which of the following anaemia is a risk factor for development of gastric carcinoma-
46.Most common site for gastric carcinoma-
47.Most common type of hernia in female is-
48.most common surgical cause of obstructive jaundice-
49.Courvoiser law is related to-
50.First symptom appeared in case of acute intestinal obstruction-