1.Greenish discharge of nipple is seen in
2. Commonest organ injured in blast injury
3. Delayed wound healing is seen in all except
4. Pearson’s formula is used by
6. Killed vaccine are all except:
7. Tobacco juice coloured amniotic fluid found in
8. Normal volume of amniotic fluid at term
9. Most common congenital heart lesion during pregnancy
10. Meig’s syndrome include all except
11.Which is not a method of assessment of obesity?
12. The grinning muscle is:
13. Takes maximum time to putrefy is:
14. A young patient presents with history of dysphagia more to liquid than solids. The first investigation you will do is:
15. The commonest site of oral cancer among Indian population is:
16. .The most common cause of PPH is:
17. pseudo-dementia is seen in:
18. The apex of the cubital fossa is formed by:
19. State of hypervitaminosis occurs in:
20. .All of the following cause left-sided heart failure except:
21. warthin -Finkeldy giant cell are seen in:
22. crocodile skin appearance is seen in
23. Gastric lavage can be done in poisoning by
24. deep peroneal nerve supplies
25. cholangio carcinoma of liver caused by
26. common carotid artery divided at the level of
27. Mode of spread of sarcoma is
28. Conduction velocity is least in
29. .most common heart disease in pregnancy is
30. Wegeners granulomatosis does not affect
31. Wegeners granulomatosis does not affect
32. which one is autosomal recessive
33. Involvement of UMNL leads to all the following except:
34. which is not under WHO surveillance
35. Pincer grasp is achieved at
36. clubbing is least common in
37. pesudopolyp are typically seen in
38.ST elevation is seen in all except
39. pulsus alternans occurs in
40. Which type of malignancy occurs in long lasting multinodular goiter
41. Brain can’t utilize
43. Small vessel vasculitis are seen in:
44. Atypical finding in Aplastic anaemia is-
45. All of the following structures lie in the renal medulla, except:
46. M/c opportunistic infection in AIDS is-
47. Which is not affected in the lesion of posterior column of spinal cord:
48. Following ligament forms the medial boundary of femoral canal-
49. Aggravation of symptoms of angina in a patient when given nitrates is seen in:
50. All of the following are features of thyrotoxicosis, except-
51. PCOD can lead to which cancer-
52. Sensory nerve supply of gall bladder is through-
53. Disease not transmitted by aedes aegypti is-
54. Most appropriate time of chorionic villus sampling is-
55. During outbreak of epidemics first thing to do is:
56. Constituents of black gun powder are all except:
58. Paultaff hge are seen in
59. Receptor for stretch reflex is:
60. Haemoglobin first to appears in fetus is:
61. blood supply of external nose is
64.which of the following is the largest sesamoid bone?
65. korsakoff’s psychosisoccurs in the deficiency of one of the following
66. Where does rigor mortis starts from?
67. what is the most common type of transmission of leprosy?
68. Uvoparotid fever is charachteristically seen in
69. Hydatiform mole is a disease of
70. Which of the following is most common type of pregnancy?
71. Painful enlargement of breast when Lachesis and Sulphur fail to relieve
72. Epilepsy from suppressed eruptions
73. Pains: sudden shocks of jerking pains
74. Chronic "blue" condition ; everything seems so dark that it can grow no darkar
75. Extremely irritable, impatient ; becomes angry or offended on being questioned
76. Persons of light complexion ; fine dry skin; pale face; weakly with lax muscles
77. Ulceration after mercury or chlorate of potash
78. Great liability to take cold
79. The slightest mental emotion or excitement aggravates the symptoms
80. After Arnica in traumatic affections of ovary
82. Wild indigo is common name of
83. Palliative in scirrhous of uterus
84. Excellent in winter cough of old people
85. Vertigo relieved by sweat on head
86. Often beneficial after Sepia
87. It antidotes anaesthetic vapours; fumes of charcoal and gas; opium and stramonium
88. Drawing pains in masseter muscles
89. Circumscribed pigmentation following eczematous inflammation
90. Profuse sweating smelling like garlic
91. Which is mentioned by Hahnemann to add in medicinal solution instead of alcohol to prevent decay of solution
92. Mental attitude of the individual from his inception is violation of moral standard is found in which miasm ?
93. Impetigo, anasarca and dropsical condition belongs to which miasm
94. Normal discharges aggravates belongs to
95. Three conditions of rapid cure is mentioned in which aphorism
96. Which medicine is recommended in Organon of Medicine for stomach loaded with indigestible food
97. "Proving is indispensable pillar of our system and it requires great honesty" is said by
98. Which of the following should not be used in excess in hypersensitive patient
99. Who used Senna leaves in colic of adults because it produced colic in healthy persons
100. The Isopathy of contagion was written by
101. Which of the following was used by old school physicians for cold stage of catarrhal fever
102. Cullen was professor in
103. Dynamic neutrilization has been mentioned in which aphorism
104. Criminal treason against divine Homoeopathy has been mentioned in
105. Oracle of the healing art is mentioned in
106. Dose in drug proving has been mentioned in
107. Who was called as ' Nestor of medicine' by Hahnemann
108. " Tolle causam is easier said than done" is said by
109. Pharmaceutical Lexicon was written by
110. Concept of mesmerism was added in which aphorism of organon
111. Young shoots should be collected in
112. Grease of burette should be washed with
113. Digitalis parts used
114. Which medicine is known as vegetable antimony
115. Aq. ferv in prescription means
116. Medicine prepared of wood tar
117. Crocus sativus is prepared from
118. Baptisia is prepared under which class
119. Drug power of class III is
120. R.I. of glycerine at 20°C is