Homoeopathy Coaching


Welcome to the online Test AIAPGET MOCK TEST-9

1.Majority of fingerprints in Indians are-

2. ASHA is posted at the:

Most common occupational hazard for nurses:

Maximum working hours according to Factories Act 1948 should be:

No. of children accommodated in a class:

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare runs which of the following programme?

Berrylium exposure is associated with:

Bio –degradable waste products, disposing in which of the colour code of the bags?

First detected pneumoconiosis in Kolar Gold mine:

Concept of “Referral service” was putforth by:

According to the Biomedical waste Rules, 1998 of India, schedule II, the waste include in Category 4 are:

All can be incinerated, except?

Socio-economic status in urban areas is indicated by which of the following?

Which of the following statements about Delphi Method is true?

True about Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)?

‘GOBI’ campaign is conducted by?

The grass root worker in ICDS programme is:

In UNICEF which of the following is not included?

Asbestosis causes all of the following except?

UNICEF provides all services, except?

Multi- purpose worker scheme in India was introduced following the recommendation of:

All are true about Mudliar committee, except?

PHC was introduced as a result of ------------ report?

The population covered by a subcentre?

Concept of PHC was devised at?

Recommendation of Srivastava committee was:

All of the following involve two way communication except:

The type of discussion where a group of 6-8 qualified experts discuss a topic in front of an audience is called:

Bhore committee advised:

ESI Act does not cover:

The size of respirable dust:

All are sex cord stromal Tumor except :

Endometrial Biopsy is usually performed between:

M/c Site of fertilization :

Which is true of Endometriosis :

Teratoma arises from

Theca Lutein Cyst is produced by

Commonest Germ cell Tumor

Which is not indicating for Total Hysterectomy

Karyotype of True Hermaphroditism

Sarcoma Botryoides is most often observed before:

Which is not a cause of Hyperandrogenism :

Virus Associated with CA cervix

Leucorrhoea fulfils all the following Criteria, Except:

All are risk factor of Breast CA except :

Commonest Symptom of Adenomyosis is :

All are features of Meig’s Syndrome, Except:

Serum Marker for Pelvic Endometriosis :

Signet Ring Looking cells are characteristics of

Spasmodic Dysmenorrhoea is seen in

Aspermia means

in ovarian Dysmenorrhoea, the pain is referred to the area innervated by

M/C site of metastasis of ovarian malignancy is :

Commonest benign solid tumor in female is

All are high risk factor for fibroid uterus, except

Salmon pink thrombosis is seen in

Ball’s operation is done for

Gonadectomy is advised in

16yrs old girl with primary amenorrhoea, absent breast tissue, malignant uterus. The most likely diagnosis is

All are features of HAIR AN syndrome, except

commonest congenital anomaly of uterus is

false about Rokitansky kuster hauser syndrome is

diameter of infundibulum of fallopian tube is

amount of average blood loss per menstruation

vaginal flora is maintained by

commonest site of endometriosis

strawberry vagina is seen in

premalignant lesionof the vulva is

clue cells are seen in

the test for detecting anti sperm anti body test is

. M/C site of origin of CIN

post coital bleeding is characteristic of

in testicular feminization syndrome, the person is

M/C cause of vesico-vaginal fistula is

M/C urinary fistula is

best time of surgery of genital tract injuries is within

positive whiff test is seen most commonly in

CA cervix is associated with all except

Least susceptible to Gonococcus in female is

Replacement ime for Cu 380A is

All are features of HAIR AN syndrome, except

Principles of Primary health care includes all except

. Which country had introduced school health services for the first time?

Which of the following is Socratic method of teaching

The cause of deaths in a village is assessed by

Best method of health education about O.R.S to urban slum women (30 in number) is?

Panchayat raj means

Hardy Weinberg law relates to:

Under ESI 300 days benefit is available for all of the following except:

Which among the following sciences is most used in community medicine

In a social group, a social act which is considered natural and right is referred to as

M/C genetic cause of mental retardation?

Mycopolyspora faeni is a?

.The smallest diameter of the true pelvis is:

Hydatidiform mole is principally a disease of :

which type of Hb is not affected by Rh isoimmunization:

which is not the complication of Rh incompatibility

non immune hydrops fetalis is seen in all of conditions except:

hydrops fetalis is seen in following except:

in non immune hydrops which of the following is not seen:

how is fetal blood differentiated from maternal blood:

feto maternal transfusion is detected by:

Best time to give Anti-D to a pregnant patient:

tablets supplied by govt of India contain: (--- elemental iron + -----of folic acid)

total amount of iron needed by the feus during entire pregnancy is:

which of the following hematological criteria remains unchanged in pregnancy?

.raised MCV in pregnancy can be due to :

dose of the folic acid per day for treating megaloblastic anaemia in pregnancy:

Blood transfusion is indicated in following conditions associated with sickle cell anaemia:

.most sensitive index for IDA in pregnancy:

acc. To WHO, anaemia in pregnancy is diagnosed, when haemoglobin is less than?

which tests is the most sensitive for the detection of iron depletion in pregnancy?

maximum cardiac output in pregnancy is at :

in which heart diseases is maternal mortality during pregnancy found to be the highest:

Most common heart disease associated with pregnancy is:

.maximum strain of parturient heart occurs during:

What happens to insulin secretion during pregnancy?

insulin resistance is maximum during pregnancy at:

fetus starts secreting insulin by

main source of fetal energy

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