1. Young people , who grow too rapidly , are inclined to stoop; old people , with morning diarrhoea.
2. Haemorrhoids : with stitching pain when walking or sitting, not at stool; preventing sitting or sleep.
3. Persons with light hair , blue eyes, nervous but stout and plethoric habit ; desires to be let alone.
4. Women who have not recovered from the change of life , "have never felt well since that time".
5. The fingers" go to sleep" frequently and easily.
6. Itching eruption on forehead during menses; all except.
7. Constant and voluntary motion of one arm and one leg
8. Old cicatrices become red around edges, and threaten to become open ulcers.
9. Itching chilblains; very lame and sore all over.
10. Intolerable itching at the tip of coccyx, must scratch till parts become raw and sore.
11. Feels badly , weak before menstruation : backache , before and during menses .
12. Amelioration lying on right side with the head high.
13. Pulse irregular in force, but regular in rhythm.
14. Chronic eructations for years; worse in evening.
15. Vertigo ; sensation as if falling to the left.
16. Chronic alcoholism ; dropsy and other ailments of drunkards; " they reform," but are continually relapsing.
17. Fear of imaginary things, wants to run away from them.
18. Catarrhal deafness and otorrhoea in psoric children; deafness of old age.
19. Awakens often from cold limbs and suffers from cold knees at night.
20. Oedematous , bladder-like appearance of uvula; much swelling but little redness.
21. Restless, fidgety, starts at least noise; mental labor very difficult; reading and writing fatigues, cannot bear to think.
22. Coldness: of single parts; aversion to cold air, " goes right through her".
23. Toothache : during menses; painful to touch of food or drink , but not from biting or chewing.
24. Headache : always hungry during; >while eating; >nose bleed.
25. Spasms of children , from nursing after anger of mother.
26. Breasts cold as ice to touch, especially the nipples,rest of body warm ( during menses).
27. Burning round spot on vertex.
28. Sensation of a splinter,fish bone or plug in the throat.
29. Patients are irritable , inclined to be vehement and angry ; dark or black hair , dark complexions , firm muscular fibre.
30. Music is unbearable, makes her sad during pregnancy .
31. Great sadness and peevishness, irritable, morose , ill-humored; inclined to weep; desire for solitude.
32. Canine hunger ; or loss of appetite,with extreme dislike for all food.
33. Pulsations over whole body , and full, distended feeling as if blood would burst through the vessel.
34. Adapted to persons of light complexion ; blue eyes , blonde in preference to brunette; tall,slim,flat,narrow chest; active and precocious mentally, weak physically.
35. Palpitation; violent when lying on left side; goes off when turning to the right.
36. Gleet; painless, yellowish , staining linen; meatus glued together in morning; obstinate, of long standing ; sexual organs,weak and exhausted.
37. Great sensitiveness to open air; putting the hand from under the bed - cover brings on cough.
38. Hair, dry, lustreless, tangles easily, glues together.
39. Fluttering of the heart; with a weak faint feeling < lying down.
40. Diseases with increased cerebral activity , but non inflammatory in type
41. Emaciation , progressive ; child looks old, dirty, greasy and brownish.
42. Daily colic in infants about 5AM
43. Vomiting : in any position except lying on right side.
44. Irresistible desire to curse and swear.
45. Feature expressive of pain and anxiety.
46. Uneasy,hurried,great desire for mental and physical activity ; cannot do things fast enough.
47. Haemorrhoids protrude every time he urinates.
48. Fever paroxysm returns at 11AM and 11PM.
49. Sweet sweat attracts the flies.
50. Mental confusion; cannot find the right word for anything.
51. Congenital idiosyncrasy due to
52. Diet in drug proving mention in which aphorism?
53. Aphorism 128 th , first time appear in which edition of organon ?
54. In drug proving necessity of ' modalities' mention in which aphorism?
55. Signs of previous proving mention in which aphorism
56. Who says ' Nenning' is a ' Ever ready symptom manufactory'--
57. Regarding 'modalities' , of case taking mentioned in which aphorism -
58. Regarding ' Female symptom' during case taking mentioned in which aphorism--
59. Advantage of commencing drug proving with sufficiently strong dose --
60. Alternating action is a type of -
61. Alternating action is the action of ___ on ____ .
62. Diseases which persons bring upon themselves due to continuous exposure to avoidable noxious influence is known as-
63. Word ' Epidemic' was derived from-
64. Sporadic disease attacks several persons at ____ time here & there
65. ' Whooping cough' is a ____ type of acute miasm.
66. Proper case taking should contain_____ characteristic-
67. A medicine can be regarded to have been thoroughly proved when -
68. Drug proving should be commenced with ____dose of the drug-