Which nerve is responsible for referred pain in ear
Muscle of facial expression , which is not supplied by facial nerve
Cranial nerve passing through internal auditory meatus
Main action of superior rectus
All pass through superior orbital fissure Except
Which nerve is preserved in dissecting the superficial and deep lobes of parotid gland
Nerve supply of stapedius muscle is
Longest intracranial course is of
Unpaired laryngeal cartilage
Inferior thyroid artery is related to
Which of the following is pure sensory nerve
Taste sensation of anterior 2/3rd of tongue is
Nasolacrimal duct opens into
Suture present between parietal & occipital bones is
Dangerous area of scalp is
Physiological jaundice seen ___________ days after birth ;
Unconjugated hyperbilirubinuria seen in :
In kernicterus ,staining of brain is more intense in the :
Most common cause of hypertension in the newborn is ;
Urine production begins at __________ month of gestation ;
Anoxic spells in tetralogy of Fallot's are precipitated by -;
One of the following is not a characteristic feature of Down's syndrome ;
Human colostrums contains more of the following nutrients than mature human milk,except;
Complication of measles,are all except;
Commonest intra uterine infection of the fetus ;
Jaundice seen immediately after birth in ;
After birth, the intra abdominal portion of the umbilical vein becomes;
Breast feeding is recommended at least for ;
Maximum % of Hb F in a 6 months old infant ;
Infective diarrhea is caused by :
Commonest cause of severe sustained hypertension in children :
Symptoms of minor brain damage ;
Following are radio-graphic features of rickets, except;
Excessive cry is seen after which vaccine;
Most common cause of hydrocephalus in children is ;
Normal reflex patterns at birth may include ;
Most common cause of painful pericarditis;
Clinical manifestation of cystic fibrosis include all, except;
Most common cause of obstructive hydrocephalus in child is ;
Most common opportunistic infection in children with neutropenia is ;
Following are complication of chicken pox , except ;
Which of following is not a usual feature of Ascariasis;
Hyaline membrane in lung is seen in ;
Hyaline membrane seen in lungs is composed of ;
Itch is disease is true for ;
Acne vulgaris is caused by ;
Pterygium of nail is characteristically seen in ;
Exclamation mark hair is a feature of ;
Row of tombstones appearances are seen in
Slapped cheek appearance is seen in
Lisch nodules is seen in ;
Kobners phenomena is typically seen in
Atopic dermatitis is diagnosed by
Most common organism causing tinea capitits is
Eczema herpeticum is caused by
The most common site for zoster involvement is
Inheritance of Icthyosis vulgaris is
Gluten free diet is beneficial in
Lesion not seen in Lepromatous Leprosy
All of the following are pneumatic bone except
Which muscle of larynx is supplied by external laryngeal nerve
Which muscle separates the 2lobes of submandibular gland
Chassaignae 's tubercle is
Foramen transversarium transmit
Posterior chamber of the eye refer to the space
Safety muscles of the tongue is
Palsy of right genioglossus causes
Superior cerebral veins drain into
Branchial sinus passes between
Thyroglossal cyst moves with deglutition because
Which of these is not a tributary of cavernous sinus
Meckel's diverticulum is a remnant of
Prolactin secreting gland develops from
Parathyroid gland develops from
Septum transversum gives rise to which part of diaphragm
Double aorta occurs due to
Absence of lymph node is characteristic of
Which one of the following is a multipennate muscle
True about Langer's line is
Intervertebral disc is an example of
Which of the following is part of ear is derived from all three germ layers
Central nervous system develops from
4th ventricle develops from
Superior parathyroid glands are derived from
Barr body is found in the following phase of the cell cycle
All are neural crest derivatives EXCEPT
Remnant of mesonephric duct are all EXCEPT
Derivatives of urogenital sinus includes all EXCEPT
Which of the following vessels do not carry deoxygenated blood in fetal circulation
In homoeopathy ………. Chromatographic study is mostly used:
Which medicine contains Vit. K?
Common name of Hydrastis is:
American Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia was published by:
International Prototype meter is made up of:
Galenical pharmacy deals with:
The art and science by which crude drug is converted into real medicine is:
In triturating ferrum met the mortar must be kept often:
Mezereum is prepared under …..class.
Convulsions from concussion of the brain. Desire for unnatural things like coal. Back bent backward like an arch.
Avaricious, greedy, miserly, malicious, pusillanimous.
Mentally happier when leucorrhoea is worse.
Parotid gland swollen with night walking:
Dyspnoea, agg from sitting, after sleep in room, amel by dancing or walking rapidly
Cold sensation in larynx on inspiration ameliorated after shaving:
To facilitate absorption of serous or inflammatory exudates in brain, pleura, lungs, joints when Bryonia, Kali mur or the best selected remedy fails:
Every motion, every turn of the body causes pain in spine. Single vertebra sensitive to touch.
During and after menses, < of old symptoms is found in:
Which of the following is prepared from the whole plant including roots: