Bad effects of opium eating, tobacco chewing
Can not bear to be left alone, yet persistently refuses to talk
Emaciation rapid and pronounced ,losing flesh while eating well
Suppressed gonorrhoea ,causing articular rheumatism
Jaundice with enlargement and induration of liver
Chill begin in the back between scapulae
Complementary of pulsatilla are all except
Suppressed menses in young girls
Uncommon mental activity, cannot stop thinking
Colic and backache at the same time
Affection of the antrum of highmore
Urine smells like cat's urine
No. of aphorism in 5th edition of organon of medicine
Year of publication of 3rd edition of organon of medicine
Death of 1st wife of Hahnemann in
'On the effects of coffee' -written by
'A brief study course of Homoeopathy'- written by
Total no. of medicine in 2nd edition of MMP
Idiosyncrasy described in __________ section
Magneto therapy described in -------------- section of 6th edition
Pharmacy in relation to organon deals with ----------- section
O tempora O mores;has been quoted by Hahnemann in relation to
Before Hahnemann Homoeopathic aggravation was noticed by
Nenning symptoms are referred by Hahnemann in chronic disease as
' Friends of health' was written in which year
Repertory of back was written by
Natural relationship is given --------- repertory
In kent's repertory medicine for rubric, closing eyes in night excites cough
In kent's repertory medicine for thick skin of sole
Rubric syphilis present in ---------- chapter of kent's repertory
Rubric syphilis present in ----------- chapter of BBCR
Rubric uric acid diathesis presents in ---------- chapter of BBCR
In BTPB repertory medicine for -------- absence of marrow .sensation of
No. of gradation in Hom. medical repertory
Volume III of synthetic repertory contains all except
Gelsemium is prepared from
Sensivity of analytical balance is
Route of administration of drug known as
Fluoric acid is prepared under -------- class
Sp. gravity of white soft paraffin is _______ at 20 degree celsius
Lac felinum is prepared from
Hassals corpulcles seen in
Main blood supply of tonsil _______ artery
Anatomical snuff box contain ________ artery
Femoral ring bounded by all except
Blood brain barrier is made up of
Sinus bradycardia is seen in A/E
QRS complex on ECG indicates
Earliest change in high altitude
Commonest lung CA in non smokers
High amylase in pleural fluid suggest
Post partum pituitary necrosis leads
Insulin stress test assay estimates
Glassgow coma scale consists A/E
Dissociated sensory loss feature of
Lucid interval seen in ____________ haemorrhage
Neurofibrillary plaques seen in the brain in
Broke's tumour is located
Kveim test used for diagnosis of
Paul bunnel test used for diagnosis of
Onion peel appearance seen in
Squaring of vertebra seen in
Heller's operation is done in
Most common type of gastric polyp is
Commonest type of anorectal abscess
Typhoid perforation occurs during
Lardaceous spleen is due to deposition of amyloid in
Commonest genital infection in females
True about Rokitansky kuster hauser syn are A/E
In ___________ infection in pregnancy .the maternal mortality is the highest
Increased AFP level seen in
Double bubble sign found in
Xenophobia relates with fear of
All are true in exanthem subitum except
Which congenital cardiac disease associated with turner syndrome
Present as dark ear discharge
Most frequent observed value in series
Which study is called observational and prospective study
All are quantitative data except
Incubation period of mumps_______________ days
All are caused by louse except
Most sensitive index of recent malaria transmission
MC lung Ca leading to pancoast tumor
MC screening test for HIV
MC cause of meningitis in AIDS pt
Bhore committee established in
Rift valley fever caused by
Incubation period of ascariasis
Example of point source epidemic
Acrodermatitis enteropathica caused due to malabsorbtion of dietary
MC organic cause of male erectile disorder
Pincer grasp found in -------------- month in child
MC cause of multiple perforation of tympanic membrane
Touton giant cell seen in
Pink puffers are called to
Most common cause of aortic aneurysm
Thimble bladder seen in case of
Small intestine structure is not seen in
MC symptoms of primary biliary cirrhosis
Hep B virus is associated with
Muscle primarily responsible for rectal continence