Awkwardness is found in BBCR
A child grasp the nurse when carried is found in which chapter of Kent's repertory
O.E. Boericke repertory has number of chapter
Classified index of the Materia medica for urogenital and general disease written by
Desire for Apple is found in which chapter of synthesis repertory
Flickering in Boenninghausen's repertory is found in which chapter
The mechanical use of repertory never leads to artistic prescribing not to remarkable results
Clarke's clinical repertory contains all except
Author of repertory "Homoeolexicon" is :
Carbo veg is prepared in which class
Cross reference found in BBCR:
Author of ' Homoeopathic Medical Repertory' is:
Who first highlighted the importance of keynote symptoms:
Final General Repertory of Kent's is also known as:
Total chapters in Kent's Repertory:
Jahr's repertory has ____ volumes:
Repertory of Cough and Expectoration by Lee and Clark was published in the year :
Who is the father of clinical repertory?
Mind chapter in Kent's Repertory was prepared by :
What is the more mature fruit according to Hahnemann:
All these comes under the domain of chronic disease except:
What is first rudiment of true pure Materia Medica :
Narcotic medicine is given in :
Which of these symptoms should be enclosed in brackets comes during drug proving :
Which of these food should not be taken during drug proving by the prover :
Every disease /epidemics are different from each other who perceive this before Hahnemann:
Lesser accessory symptoms of patient are given in :
What do you mean by chronic disease:
An infusion should be made by cutting Herbs into small pieces and pouring boiling water in case of :
It is advisable to commence drug proving of strong heroic substance with ___ dose of drugs:
Which of these occurs due to transient explosion of latent psora :
Hypochondriac patients are given in:
Microscopic examination of drugs has been used since
Anthraquinone alkaloid present in
Aqueous solution of alkaloid when tested with Tannic acid , it gives precipitation of ___ color.
'Emetine' , is an alkaloid , it shows ___ colour in Fluorescence test ( done by UV light)
Specific gravity of Belladonna Q
Lesser periwinkle is the common name of
Who is the author of ‘gunpowder as a war remedy’
‘Sulphur is the only warm drug that craves fat’ whose statement is this ?
‘According to Farrington this medicine cannot be repeated in lower potency during pregnancy’ name the medicine
Name the medicine that is complementary to calendula officinalis in injuries to soft parts
Turpethum is the synonym of
Which among the following statements are wrong 1.lachesis was proved by c hering in the year 1838 2.lyssinum was proved by stapf in the year 1903 3.pyrogenium was proved by Drysdale 4.syphilinum was proved by swan
According to j h Clarke ‘poor breakfast eaters’ are persons belongs to the drug picture of
‘There are many uterine troubles , with burning , stinging , smarting , yellow brown saddle over the bridge of nose something like mottled yellow saddle of sepia officinalis ‘ kent gives this description regarding
According to Guernsey ‘sanicula is the chronic of which medicine’ ?
Symptoms set in with violence
. After operation for calculi
_____ seems to influence the endocrines , especially the thyroid & adrenalin
. Horrible dreams causes no horror
Should prove curative in eczematous conditions, poison oak , early typhoid states etc
While nursing pain in the opposite breast
Great depression ; groundless fear of financial ruin
Psorinum requires something like ____ days before its manifests its action and even a single dose may elicit other symptoms lasting for week (______).
Increases mucous secretion of mouth and stimulates the secretion from all glands with ducts opening in the mouth
Pain is excessive and out of all proportion to injury
For burns, sores , fissures and abrasion etc use
Renal dropsies, hydrocoele and chronic hoarseness in scrofulous patients have been benifitted by this drug
Choose the medicine for the following modalities ; undressing
Choose the medicine for the following modalities ; from brandy drinking
It is indicted in such condition as are cured by bryonia and rhus tox but its symptoms mark out its own individual cases
It has cured a dry itching eczema of the extremities and other part of the skin after ars and sulphur have failed
____ produces an inclination to deceive and to cheat
______ remedy has the exhaustion of arsenic and aversion to motion like bryonia
If a woman has poisoned herself with cantharis and there is present the frenzy and excitement _____ will act as an antidote
Poisoning from oysters in season is _____ and out of season is _____
Hates people repels everyone
When he sees sharp instrument or blood impulses rises within him and he shudders because of these impulses an instrument that could be used for murder or for killing causes their impulses to arise , impulses to kill herself
Sometimes he will imagine the things are worms , vermins , rats , cats , mice and he is leading them like children lead around their toy wagons just like a child
_______ cures many hysterical girls who have come to adult age without ever learning what obedience means
What is true about leptandra 1.Common name culver’s root 2.Constant dull frontal headache ; worse in temples 3.Constant dull aching in the umbilical region
Open bleeding cancer in lower lip
Thinks he is dead and that preparation are being made for funeral ; thinks herself pursued by enemies ; fears the medicine is poisoned
Flies are attracted to the face and head
Dr e b nash alternated ____ &____ medicines for scarlatina typhoid
____ remedy is known as HOMOEOPATHIC LANCET
No remedy has greater affinity for the throat ____ by e b nash
. _____ is an exaggerated rhus tox.(according to Dorothy shepherd)
______ is the homoeopathic knife in appendicitis (acc to beigler)
Name the person who helped Hahnneman in school days
Amount of money Hahnemann had when he left for leipsic
Dissertation submitted by Hahnemann on leaving the princes school
Dose of cinchona bark which H took in proving
Total number of medicine proved by Hahnemann
. Name of the first cemetery where hahnemann was buried
Army general who was treated by Hahnemann
Number of years spent by H on the discovery of chronic diseases
What happens when chronic diseases are treated with nonmiasmatic remedies
Physician who observed that suppression of skin disorders produce many other diseases
According to Christian junker suppression of skin disorder in sanguinocholeric temperament causes
. —— of chronic diseases is due to psora
Oldest reference of psora is obtained from the writings of
Name the epidemic to which H refers to in the concept of chronic disease
Two advices were taken back by Hahnemann mentioned in the preface of 5th edition. One was the use of mild electric shocks the other was.
What are called ‘morbi intercurrentes’.
In a three fold complication of three chronic misaim which miasm is to be treated first.
Who gave the name ’50 millesmal’ to the new method of dynamisation.
“What influence can it exert whether a homoeopath adopt the theoretical opinion of Hahnemann on not, so long as the holds the principal tool of master and the materia media of our schools.” Whose words are they:
Craving for Potato is a …………. symptom.
Craving sweets is …………….. symptom.
Aversion meat is ………….. symptom.
Amelioration by natural discharge is ……………. symptom.
Number of aphorisms in 1st edition
English translation of 1st edition was done by
Who wrote introduction to 6th edition by W boericke
On which days of week did Hahnemann devote himself to write 6th edition of Organon
Drug dynamisation was introduced in which edition
A person with scurvey comes in contact with plague of levant .what happens
Which is the best source to compare the physical symptoms that physician elicited in the real moral malady
When insanity or mania occurs as an acute outburst, what is the recommended treatment guideline?