Homoeopathy Coaching

Anatomy (L/ext)

Welcome to the online Test Anatomy (L/ext)

1.Which of the following ligament prevents hyperextension of hip?

2.During kneel down ,one supports on :

3.Lateral plantar nerve supplies all except:

4.Unlocking of knee joint is done by :

5.The superficial circumflex iliac artery usually anastomoses with which of the following arteries :

6.Where does superficial femoral artery becomes the poplifeal artery?

7.Oblique popliteal ligament is the continuation of :

8.Short saphenous vein is the continuation of :

9.Medial meniscus is the attached at-

10.The keystone of the longitudinal arch of the foot is :

11.Anterior cruciate ligament is:

12.On forceful inversion of foot ,fracture of the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal is due to pull exerted by which tendon -

13.Common peroneal nerve related to which of the following structure?

14.The kinetic energy of the body is least in one of the following phases of walking cycle-

15.In a post- polio case ,ilio-tibial tract contracture is likely to result in :

16.Adductor hallucis nerve supply is -

17.Which is true of spring ligament?

18.Femoral nerve does not supply:

19.Fascia cribrosa is related to:

20.The femoral ring is bounded by the following structure except:

21.Physiological locking is -

22.Ligament of bigelow is present in-

23.Which activity will be difficult to perform for a patient with an anterior cruciate deficient joint?

24.Which muscle extend the knee with the hip extended?

25.Muscle acting both at knee &ankle joint is -

26.Ischial tuberosity gives attachment to-

27.Which of the following is an intra-articular tendon?

28.False about venous drainage at the lower limb-

29.The dorsalpedis artery terminates at the-

30.The following structure pass through the subsartorial canal,except-

31.Weight of the body is supported in sitting posture by-

32.Lateral circumflex femoral is branch of -

33.Which muscle does arise from calcaneum?

34.Peroneus brevis is inserted on-

35.The number of perforators of the great saphenous vein in the leg is -

36.Trendelenburg's sign is positive with the paralysis of-

37.Oblique popliteal ligament is the continuation of-

38.Anastomosis around knee -which is true?

39.The content of femoral sheath is/are-

40.Pain from hipjoint is referred to-

41.Abduction and adduction of the forefoot occurs at-

42.Femoral vein lies________to femoral artery:

43.The muscle that does not innervate the sole of foot-

44.The nerve involved in tarsal tunnel syndrome-

45.Venous pump is defined as-

46.M/c site for stress factor in belle dancer?

47.Obturator nerve supplies-

48.Medial longitudinal arch of foot is not for formed by-

49.Knee jerk reflex test-

50.Deep circumflex iliac artery is a branch of -

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