Homoeopathy Coaching

Mock Test 15 for Students

Welcome to the online Test Mock Test 15 for Students

1. which of the following medicine is most suited to the chilly patients?

2. Which one of the following remedies for eczema doesnot have glutinous discharge?

3. Azygos vein ends in:

4. External nose blood supply is :

5. C.S.F is derived from:

6. Which one of the following is the largest sesamoid bone?

7. Bitot’s spot is associated with :

8. What is the common name of the caladium?

9. Internal piles are usually situated at which of the following positions?

10.Rectal bleeding in child is likely to be :

11. Bronchiachtesis is the condition of permanent dilatation of:

12. korsakoff’s psychosis occurs in the deficiency of one of the following :

13. The most common site for an amoebic lesion in the bowel is :

14. Where does rigor mortis starts from :

15. What is the most common mode of transmission of leprosy ?

16. Skin pigmentation found in :

17. Increase level of serum amylase is of great importance in :

18. Generalised oedema cannot be CAUSED by :

19. Complication of 3rd stage of labour caused by :

20. Hydatiform mole is principally a disease of ;

21. Which of the following is the most common type of ectopic pregnancy?

22. Lumbar puncture is contraindicated in case of :

23. Uvoparotid fever is charachteristically seen in :

24. Koplic Spots are seen in:

25. Berger’s nephropathy is :

26. haemophilia is due to deficiency of :

27. Carple tunnel syndrome is due to compression of :

28. Hydrochloric acid secreated in stomach by :

29. Hypokalemia is charachterised by :

30. whicjh is the most common couse of blindness in india?

31. All of the following are killed vaccine axcept :

32. Melanin & melatonin are respectively synthesised from :

33. Which of the following has highest calcium content ?

34. Which of the following insecticide is used as a space sprey ?

35. Least amount of protein per 100 g is present in the milk of

36. The uterine artery is branch of :

37. Dietary fat is cheifely absorbed in :

38. Which of the following has the most prominent spine ?

39. Minimum no. Of antinaatal visit si :

40. Virus associated with polio is :

41. Typhoid in first week is diagnosed by :

42. Oliguria occurs when urune passes less than in 24 hrs :

43. Reservoir of Leptospirosis is :

44. Which hepatitis is more common in pregnancy ?

45. Inferior epigestric artery situated on which side of deep inguinal ring?

46. During systole energy supply of heart is mainly from :

47. Phossy jaw is seen in poisoning of :

48. Heamoptysis is seen in :

49. DAILY indicates :

50. First post mortem done in India in :

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