Homoeopathy Coaching


Welcome to the online Test BBCR REPERTORY

1. Sudden found in which chapter of BBCR

2. Swimming sensation found in which chapter of BBCR

3. Pyromania found in which chapter of BBCR

4. Bubbling found in which chapter of BBCR

5. Podagra found in which chapter of BBCR

6. Delicacy found in which chapter of BBCR

7. Sneezing found in which chapter of BBCR

8. Retching and gagging found in which chapter of BBCR

9. Arcus senilis found in which chapter of BBCR

10. Dyspnoea is felt in found in which chapter of BBCR

11. Suppression found in which chapter of BBCR

12. Late learning to walk found in which chapter of BBCR

13. Playful found in in which chapter of BBCR

14. Licks up things in which chapter of BBCR

15. Discharge found in which chapter of BBCR

16. Globus hystericus found in which chapter of BBCR

17. Croup found in which chapter of BBCR

18. Bed feels too hard found in which chapter of BBCR

19. Scurvy found in which chapter of BBCR

20. Zygoma found in which chapter of BBCR

21. Mention drug for pyromania according to BBCR

22. Mention drug for Ferocity according to BBCR

23. Mention drug for extravagance according to BBCR

24. Mention drug for Touch aversion to according to BBCR

25. Mention drug for Anthrax aggravation according to BBCR

26. Mention drug for Warts on Tongue according to BBCR

27. Shock , nervous found in which chapter of BBCR

28. Different types of constitution are found in _ chapter of B.C.R

29. Rubric Senility in BBCR found in chapter

30. Medicine for the rubric Awkardness in BBCR

31. Rubric nose grasps other is found in BBCR

32. Second edition of BBCR was published by

33. Number of medicines in materia medica part of BBCR

34. What is the medicine for the rubric open hearted in BBCR

35. Name the medicine for the rubric patience in BBCR

36. Infant affections of found in which chapter of BBCR

37. Drug proved by Boger is

38. His articles are published as C.M.Boger – collected writings by ______,in _____.

39. Number of medicines in synoptic key

40. Which one of the following articles was not written by c m boger.

41. What is wrong in card index repertory by c m boger.

42. ____ was boger’s last work to the profession

43. No of rubric in mind chapter of bbcr is

44. + represents what is bbcr

45. Boger divided preface into the following parts except

46. If no antidote is known, apply ____

47. According to Boger mental states should be used only for the ____ selection of the drugs

48. Which one of the following rubric is not found in agg & amel in bbcr

49. Goitre heart is found in which chapter

50. Which one of the following is not a chapter in bbcr ?

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