1. In which section of BBCR is mentioned rubric "Uric Acid diathesis"
2. In which section of Boger Boenninghausen's Characteristics & Repertory will you find the rubric "Hair falling out entire body"
3. Boger Boenninghausen's Characteristics & Repertory, rubric "Alcoholism" is found under which section :
4. Which of following statement is incorrect according to BBCR Repertory?
5. Which of following statement is not correct for rubric ‘Pulse’.
6. The only remedy for Rubric "BESEECHING" in mind section of BBCR is
7. Single remedy for the rubric “perplexity” in BBCR is?
8. In BBCR “achlasia cardia” is represented under?
9. BED WETTING is represented under which chapter of BBCR?
10. Rubric INFLUENZA appears in which chapter of BBCR?
11. PHLEGMASIA DOLENS given in BBCR under?
12. TUBERCULOSIS is given under in BBCR?
13. MEASLES is represented under which chapter of BBCR?
14. ARTHRITIC NODES are given under which chapter of BBCR?
15. According to Boger ,”if no antidote is known, what to do’
16. The first edition of BBCR is published by
17. . The introduction to BBCR is written by
18. The duration of action of remedies in BBCR is taken from
19. . Who stated the statement – “I discovered that BBCR is a real gold mine for all kinds of symptoms”
20. . The famous Indian Homoepath who was in correspondence with Dr C M Boger
21. The second edition of BBCR is published on
22. Match the following: 1)BBCR ---- a. 1931 2)Synoptic Key – b. 1924 3)Times of Remedies and Moon Phases – c. 1905 4) Card Index Repertory – d. 1915
23. The remedy proved by Boger which is a valuable contribution to the profession
24. The life period of Dr C M Boger
25. . The no of medicine in the relationship chapter of BBCR
26. The correction of abbreviations for medicines used in BBCR is done by
27. The no of chapters in BBCR with Concomittant section is
28. The abbreviation “+”used to represent what in BBCR
29. The no of mind rubrics in BBCR
30. The no of gradation in MM part of BBCR
31. what DOES The * (star) mark designates in BBCR
32. The cross reference in Boger’s repertory is given as
33. Who prepared the medicine index of BBCR?
34. The unique contribution of Boger in BBCR
35. Boger gives most importance to
36. In BBCR the characteristics sections consist of remedies
37. While compiling BBCR, Boger followed the basic plan and construction of Boennighausen’s
38. In BBCR which chapter is most enriched with concomitants
39. In BBCR the rubric ‘puts things into mouth’ will be found in
40. In BBCR “loss of prostatic fluid during stool”
41. In BBCR “Gester Heart” in
42 In BBCR “Anxious feeling” in
43. “Wants to be carried” in BBCR
44. “Becomes heated easily” in BBCR
45 “Infants affections of” in BBCR
46. In BBCR “Slowly learn to walk”
47. Children learn to walk with difficulty
48. “Intolerant music” in BBCR
49. According to Boger which one is given the last place in the order of hierarchy