1. Which of the following provides the major support to the uterus and cervix ?
2. Which nerve provides sensation to the skin over the suprapubic area ?
3. Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) has a constellation of possible symptoms. Which of the following would not be expected ?
4. Which structure produces Gonado trophins ?
5. A 46 year old ,Non-pregnant ,morbidly obese lady presents with irregular periods over last 6-months. find most appropriate initial management ?
6. Which of the following is not a risk factor for Ectopic pregnancy ?
7. Most common cause of LH surge ?
8. High estrogen leads to
9. Endometrial biopsy is usually performed between
10. All are sex cord stromal tumor except
11. Which of the following non-malignant adnexal mass is derived from all -three germ cell layers ?
12. How many openings in vestibule
13. Vaginal agenesis is M/C due to
14. Which of the following non- malignant adnexal mass can give rise to meigs syndrome
15. Hitus cell found in part of ovary
16. Which of the following is M/C type of ectopic pregnancy
17. Chromosomal pattern of turner syndrome is
18. All/ Except feature of Turner syndrome
19. Commonest congenital anomaly of uterus is
20. The chromosomal pattern of kokitansky syndrome is
21. The usual age of menarche is
22. Normal matured ovum is
23. The earliest symptom of pregnancy in a regularly menstruating women is
24. The average duration of menstrual cycle is
25. The fallopian tube is derived from
26. The portion of broad ligament between the ovaries and fallopian tube is
27. Streakis ovary is associated with
28. A positive pregnancy test may be associated with
29. Asherman's syndrome is best diagnosed by
30. M/C cause of pseudo-hermaphroditism is
31. A 30 year old lady was found to have PAP smear positive, cervical Biopsy negative and endometrial curettage positive , next thing to do is
32. A 16 years old girl has sterosis of upper 1/3rd and lower 2/3rd of vagina in the absense of uterus. Next investigation relevant is
33. Gonococcus doesn't involves
34. Chlamydia doesn't cause
35. Most reversible form of infertility
36. Aspermia is the term used to describe
37. Aspiration of sperms from testes is done in
38. Post partum VVF is best repaired after
39. Urinary retention seen in
40. Obsolete method for testing tubal pregnancy is
41. Chromosomal pattern of hydatiform mole is usually
42. Tumor marker for chorio carcinoma
43. Chorio carcinoma metastasizes to all sites, except
45. Bony deformities , hyperpigmentations of the skin, precocious puberty is seen in
46. PID is best prevented by
47. Pelvic endometriosis is best diagnosed by
48. Inhibin is secreted by
49. A morbidly obese , 32 years old women presents for contraceptive contradiction for OCP
50. A 25 years old lady presents with 2.5cm ,firm mobile modular breast mass. what is the most likely diagnosis