Homoeopathy Coaching


Welcome to the online Test MAT MED ( RESPIRATORY)

1.Asthma; dyspnoea by lying down and keeping arms stretched far apart, despondent, thinks he will die-

2.Hawks up cheesy balls, size of a pea, of disgusting taste and carrion like odour-

3.Cough: violent rattling with gagging from viscid mucus in the throat < when undressing-

4.chronic laryngitis of singers , high notes cause cough-

5.diphtheria, can swallow warm food more easily; stiches and most symptoms especially of throat goes from left to right, symptom not present in

6.cough on standing still during a walk-

7.sudden hoarseness < from walking against the wind-

8.throat constantly filled with thick, grey or bloody mucus from posterior nares-

9.want of breath, in those engaged in athletic sports, shortness of breath; in old people; in those who use tobacco and whisky in excess-

10.cough deep,dry, precedes the fever paroxysm –

11.Pertussis- excessive lachrymation during cough, cough only in daytime-

12.tickling in throatpit causing dry teasing cough-

13.Cough returns every winter-

14.swallows without pain, but fluids are vomited or returned by the nose, breath horribly offensive-

15.when attempting to clear the throat , of an offensive mucus in the morning, gagging until he vomits the breakfast just eaten-

16.great weakness of chest-worse left side-

17. tubercular pharyngitis-

18.throat affections after checked foot sweat-

19. cough has a gurgling sound , as if water was being poured from a bottle=

20. ….. has cured in croup after failure of Iod, phos, heper, spongia especially relapses after iodum-

21.soreness in larynx as if ulcerated-

22.croup: hoarse metallic with expectoration of tough fibroelastic casts in morning on awakening with dyspnoea, >by lying down-

23.deep seated ulcers in fauces often syphilitic

24. cough : when any part of body is uncovered, croupy chocking , strangling from exposure to dry west wind; the land wind-

25. eustachian tube closed ; catarrhal deafness and otorrhoea in psoric children. Deafness of old age-

26.carotid and submaxillary glands indurated after diphtheria, scarlet fever-

27.constriction and crawling in the larynx ; hoarseness and yellow or green sputa-

28.incipient consumption; severe pain in middle lobe-

29. asthma in summer-

30.total loss of voice in professional singers-

31.Dyspnoea : cannot inspire deep enough; as if breathing through a sponge or the air passages were full of smoke or vapor of sulphur-

32.sore throat , constant desire to swallow-

33.alteration in timber of voice with singers and public speakers-

34.tenacious mucus in air passage , compare if vesical symptoms corresponds-

35.stony hard scrofulous or tubercular swelling of glands ; especially on lower jaw and throat-

36. pain in left floating rib-

37. Asthma worse foggy weather and relieved by profuse perspiration-

38. Cough –deep, hollow-even rising large quantities affords little relief-

• 39. Difficulty in respi while writing-

40. Delayed resolution of pneumonia

41.sore throats and cough are apt to begin and end with menstruation; yellow white patches, pains shoot to ear-

42.mumps, diphtheria , tonsillitis with profuse offensive saliva, tongue large, flabby with imprint of teeth; mapped tongue-

43.complementary medicine of stannum met-

44.dryness of fauces and throat- parchment like dryness of skin-

45.follows spigelia well in heart disease-

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