Homoeopathy Coaching

Mock Test 25 for students

Welcome to the online Test Mock Test 25 for students

1.Valve of Kerckring is seen in :

2.First bone to ossify in the body :

3.Connective tissue in the body developed from the embryonic layer :

4.The cardiac muscle cannot be tetanised the reason is :

5.Hurthle Cell Carcinoma Thyroid is variant of :

6.Most liable Hernia to become Strangulated :

7.Ovarian Cyst is :

8.The term Q-Potency is used to designate :

9.Drug strength 1/10 is designate :

10.To Achieve rapid cure the following condition/s are to be fulfilled :

11.Maceration is introduced by :

12.The first official Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India was published in the year :

13.Warthin-Finkeldey cells are seen in :

14.The abnormal cell found in ureamia :

15.Which is not an example of Type 2 hypersensitivity ?

16.A baby fed on cow’s milk only is likely to develop :

17.Le facie sympathique is a condition that occurs in cases of death from :

18.IUCD acts by :

19.Indian MTP Act allows abortions only up to :

20.Magnan’s sign or symptom refers to :

21.Pemberton’s sign is elicited by :

22.A rise of 1% HbA1c corresponds to an approximate average increase of blood glucose of :

23.Who said that the symptoms coming last in proving are of greater value:

24.Who made the statements, “A miasm is, according to Hahnemann are infecting agent and cause of disease”?

25.Who is considered to have brought Kent into Homoeopathy?

26.“Organon of Rational Medicine” was the name of:

27.Dr. C.F.S. Hahnemann published his chronic disease in the year of

28.Dr. C.F.S. Hahnemann‟s famous book The Friend of Health in two volumes was published in the year of

29.A Homoeopathic Physician prescribes placebo first time and sulphur 200 C second time , then sulphur is called

30.In which aphorism “Homoeopathic specific remedy” is given in the 5th edition of Organon of Medicine ?

31. A male aged 60 years has foul breath, he regurgitates food that is eaten 3 days ago. Likely diagnosis is:

32. Ulcer that may develop in burn tissue is:

33. The most common cause of PPH is:

34.The precise method of estimation of gestational age during 1st trimester is by measuring:

35. Under the WHO “Vision 2020” programme, the SAFE strategy is adopted for which of the following disease?

36. A full time amelioration of the symptoms, yet no special relief to the patient’s is of Kent’s which observation?

37. Complaints appear diagonally; upper right and lower left is found in?

38. grain powder is equal to?

39. Wernicke encephalopathy is caused by deficiency of?

40. Which vaccine is contraindicated in pregnancy?

41. Active and passive immunity should be given together in all except?

42. Blood stain discharge from the nipple is typical of

43. The most important function of sentinel surveillance is

44. Russel bodies are seen in

45. Pulses alternans is seen in

46. Diagnosis of typhoid fever in the first week is by

47. In facial palsy, food accumulates in the mouth due to paralysis of

48. Illusion that she has cancer in the throat

49. ‘Colic after lithotomy or ovariotomy’

50. ‘Repertory of purely pathogenic effects’ prefaced by Hahnemann was written by

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