Homoeopathy Coaching

Mock Test 28 for students

Welcome to the online Test Mock Test 28 for students

1.A woman is admitted with complaints of low grade fever for 5 weeks duration. Chest radiograph shows bilateral hilar adenopathy with clear lung field.all of the following investigations will be useful in differential diagnosis except-

2. A 60 year old woman with fracture of neck of femur presents to the emergency dept. A few days after injury there is sudden onset of breathlessness and chest pain. Most probable diagnosis is-

3.Gouty metastasis to stomach and bowels- is found under the medicine-

4.Excessive reaction or irritability where the patient seems to suffer aggravation from every remedy without improvement , for such state Boenninghausen recommended all of the following medicines except-

5. Dake proposition is related to-

6.Flask shaped heart is found in-

7. Process of preparation of 30th potency in Materia Medica Pura given under-

8.Extreme hunger even when stomach is full of food -is the feature of-

9.In nephrotic syndrome all serum proteins are reduced except-

10.Medicine for rheumatic pains in muscles of neck and back, feels stiff, lame,contracted , spine sensitive from using arms in sewing, type-writing , piano playing- 1.Actea racemosa 2.Ranunculus bulbosus 3.agaricus Find out the right ans-

11.Father of objective and realistic tradition of modern philosophy was-

12.cito tuto et jucunde - that is -Disease should be treated quickly safely pleasantly was originally said by-

13.Maximum no. of symptoms in Fragmenta given under the drug-

14.Egg on side appearance on chest X ray is seen in-

15. 1.General uncleanliness of the body . 2.Wants to be let alone 3.Thirsty after stool with shivering ---these symptom complex is found under-

16. "Hidden Treasure of Last Organon '' was written by-

17.Malignancy in a multinodular goitre is most often-

18.Tri-radiate pelvis is seen in-

19. A girl with normal stature and minimal or absent pubertal development is seen in-

20.In tumor lysis syndrome all are seen except-

21.Mesmerism was introduced in which edition of organon of medicine-

22.For first stage of measles-medicine is-

23. Art or science by which crude drug is converted into real medicine-

24.A patient presents with breast ca. Inspection shows Peau d' orange appearance. What is the T stage of the tumor-

25.Whiff test is used for-

26.Best marker of ovarian reserve-

27.Commonest presentation of sickle cell anaemia is-

28.A man presents with history of hematemesis of about 500ml of blood. on examination ,spleen is palpable 5cms below the left costal margin. The most likely diagnosis is-

29.Match the following- 1.Hippocrates I.The disseminator 2.Galen II.The assailer 3.Paracelsus III.The experimenter 4.Hahnemann IV.The observer

30.An elderly male presents with headache , recurrent infections and multiple punched out lytic lesions on X ray skull. The investigation that will best help in establishing a diagnosis is-

31.C wave in JVP is due to-

32.In intermittent fever sour vomiting between chill and heat - indicated medicine is-

33.When vital force refuses to permit several doses of sulphur by producing sulphur symptom then Nux vomica /pulsatilla should be prescribed in which of the following potency-

34.Pain over Mc Burney's point and at the location of sigmoid flexure ' Indicated medicine is-

35.Gottron's papules are seen in-

36.Means lerman scratch refers to-

37.Match the following- a) Lewy body I. ca-cervix b) .Caterpillar cells II.Renal failure c) Tadpole cell III.Parkinsonism d) Civatte body IV.Gas gangrene

38.Hyperchlorohydria with aversion to milk and fat food is found under-

39.'Gressus gallinaceous' in kent repertory found under chapter-

40.Calcarea carb and baryta carb drug relationship is-

41.Who perceived before Hahnemann that it is useless to give the names of epidemic diseases-

42.Reeling present in which chapter of BTPB-

43.Which is not an Autosomal recessive disorder-

44.What is Bene denotes in prescription-

45.Fits of uncontrollable weeping and melancholic delusions are symptoms of-

46.Assertion(A)-Serum lipase is indicator of acute pancreatitis Reason(R)- Fat necrosis is main pathology in acute pancreatitis Select the correct ans-

47.Corn meal in kent repertory found under-

48.Hahnemann's therapeutic notes collected and written by-

49.A case came to you with strong indications of Sulphur. Sulphur in minute dose is prescribed but aggravation took place due to previous allopathic treatment with large doses of sulphur. WHAT should be your next prescription-

50.Assertion(A)-Plasma haptoglobin is decreased in extravascular hemolytic anaemia Reason(R)-Haptoglobin complex is cleared rapidly by liver Find out corrct one-

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