Homoeopathy Coaching

Anatomy (H,N & EMBRYO )

Welcome to the online Test Anatomy (H,N & EMBRYO )

1. Endolymphatic duct drains into

2. Broca's area is localized in -

3. Waldeyer's lymphatic chain is formed by all except -

4. Main nerve supply of the palatine tonsils is-

5. Not a content of Tympanic cavity -

6. Anterior spinal artery is a branch of -

7. Nasolacrimal duct is directed-

8. Alderman's nerve is branch of -

9. Stapedius is supplied by -

10. Fibres passing through crus cerebri are-

11. Nerve passes through menke's cave is

12. Angle of jaw is supplied by -

13. Middle thyroid vein drains into-

14. Visual cortex is supplied by -

15. Fibres of acoustic radiation Arise in the-

16. Purkinje fibres from the cerebellum ends in-

17. Which has the prominent spine-

18. Number of branches in the internal carotid artery in the neck is -

19. All are branches of maxillary artery except-

20. Circulusiridis major is situated in-

21. Not a feature of oculomotor N palsy ?

22. Basal ganglion contains all except-

23. The lingual artery arises from the -

24. Choroid fissure of the eye permits the entry of -

25. Lamina papyraceae is seen in -

26. Posterior communicating artery is a branch of -

27. Anatomical closure of ductusarteriosus occurs at -

28. The viteline vein forms the-

29. Umblical vein assumes which of the following position after birth-

30. Internal organ in the fetus develops at -

31. Formation of primary ovary in female foetus takes place by -

32. Which of the following is the feature of chromosome ?

33. True about morula-

34. Thymus develop from-

35. Malleus & incus are derived from -

36. Failure of migration of neural crest cell is seen in -

37. The reduction of physiological hernia occurs at -

38. Germ cell in the ovary develops from

39. Which of the following is not a sign of stellate ganglion block ?

40. All are supplied by pharyngeal plexus except -

41. Secretomotor nerve fibres to the parotid gland are supplied by which -

42. Meroanencephaly is due to -

43. Cells present in cerebellar cortex are all except -

44. Nerve supply of platysma is by -

45. Spinal ganglion & organ of corti is fully developed in foetus by -

46. In children the angle of mandible is -

47. Medial rotation of eyeball is done by -

48. Myelin sheath in CNS is synthesized by ____________

49. Palatine tonsil develop from ?

50. Skull consists of how many bones ?

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