1 .A 40 yrs male patient presented with acute weakness of all 4limbs . There is no history of trauma. The patient is conscious,no headache,no vomiting,no ptosis. All sensations are preserved. Possibility is
2. In parkinsonism the following findings are present except
3. In occlusion of posterior cerebral artery the following sign may be present
4. An elderly man presenting with breathlessness and acute chest pain for 1st time ,the possible cause may be
5. In a child the chest x-ray shows boot shaped heart. The possibility is
6. Match the following in ECG ::- (A) Decrease PR interval (B) Broad QRS (C) ST elevation ( D) No relation between P-R intervals /// 1. VPC 2. WPW SYNDROME 3. CHB 4. AMI
7. Heart failure with reduced EF can occurs in
8. In septic shock the following feature is present
9. The haemoglobin - Oxygen dissociation curve shifts to right in presence of
10. Which is true in normal adult man
11. In CKD the following feature is usually present
12. Decrease in urination occurs in
13. In septic shock following feature is present
14. Vitamin K deficient patients, there are reduction of coagulation factors, except
15 . In multiple myeloma the following findings are usually present , except except
16. A lady aged 30yrs presented with rash over nose , arthritis and pericardial effusion. The possible cause may be
17. Ketone bodies in urine is found in
18. Sexually transmitted viruses , related in increased incidence of cancer include, except
19. Match the following i. plague ii. japanese B Encephalitis iii. lyme disease iv. dengue 1. culex mosquito 2. aedes mosquito 3. yersenia pestis 4. borrelia burgdoferi
20. Daily requirement of iodine in a pregnant /lactating mother is about
21. The cervix becomes soft during pregnancy .This sign is known as:
22. A 25 year old female gives a history of repeated midtrimester painless expulsion of products of conception. This is suggestive of :
23. Match the following syndrome i. sheehan's syndrome ii. fitz-Hugh -Curtis syndrome iii. kartagener syndrome iv. Behcet syndrome clinical presentation 1. pruritus vulva 2. Amenorrhoea 3. Acute PID 4. Infertility
24. Before puberty, the ratio of length of cervix and body of uterus is a
25. A 25 year old lady visits gynaecology OPD with the complaint of profuse frothy greenish discharge with pruritus vulva. On examination strawberry cervix is observed . What is the most probable diagnosis
26. The lowest pregnancy rate among the following contraceptves in use today is seen in
27. Golden -colour of liquer Amni is due to
28. On abdominal examination of a pregnant female , the height of the uterus ( jundal height) is felt at the level of umbilicus . This corresponds to how many weeks of pregnancy
29. The measurement of Mento vertical diameter of the foetal skull is
30. Which of the following statements are true regarding caput succedaneum i. caput disappears spontaneously within 24 hrs of firth ii. caput usually occurs before rupture of membranes iii. it signifies statue position of the head for a long period of time iv. caput is limited by suture line
31. In Asherman's syndrome , the menstrual abnormality which is commonly seen is
32. In a case of genital prolapse , the position of the cervix will be
33. The commonest site of presence of uterine febroid is
34. Which of the following is true regarding hormonal profle in a case of PCOS
35. Plain X-Ray abdomen shows sentinel loop sign in
36. It does not spread by Lymphatic
37. Plexiform neurofibromatosis commonly affect
38. Cushing's clips are used to control bleeding from
39. Main source of Leprosy infection
40. Silvery, tissue paper scar is a feature of
41. Ram's horn penis is the complication of
42. In prostatic carcinoma prostate- specific antigen is more than
43. Lord's plication is treatment for
44. Developmentally the prostate has
45. Gold standard investigation for carcinoma of the bladder is
46. Dietl's crisis is a clinical feature of
47. Thompson's swiss roll operation for
48. Which is not the indicator to calculate Human development index
49. Which one of the following study determine prevalence of disease
50. An infected person is less likely to enaculate susceptible person when large population of members of a group are immune