Homoeopathy Coaching



1.Evacuation preceded by painful urging long before stool, even a soft stool is passed with difficulty

2. Water is vomited as soon as it reaches the stomach

3. Bending of the head, neck and spine backwards , curved limbs cannot be straightened nor straighntenes bent

4. Tetanic convulsions, tetanus after fright, emotional,chorea after fright or grief

5. Marasmus- child wrinkled and looks like a little dried up old man, stupor

6. She imagines the company of the opposite sex a dangerous thing to cultivate

7. Headache and convulsion from injuries of the head

8. I am not Sick I didn't send for you, go home

9. Yellow, sallow tint across the nose and the cheeks described as a yellow saddle across the nose

10. Aversion to the mother's milk and vomiting . Diarrhoea from milk

11. One word often leads into the midst of another story

12. The sight or sound of running water or pouring water aggravates all complaints

13. Breast cold as ice to touch, especially the nipple , rest of the body warm, during menses

14. Least contact of parts causes violent sexual excitement and excessive desire for an embrace

15. Pain after stool as if splinters of glass were sticking in anus and rectum

16. Emaciation progressive , child look old, dirty , greasy and brownish

17. Burning in all parts of the body , as if sparks of fire were falling on the patients

18. The urine has the odour of violets

19. Violent colic sensation as if abdominal wall was drawn as if by a string to the spine

20. All exertions - diarrhoea , leucorrhoea , menses, perspirations- have a carrion like odour

21. Drawing pain through the chest from breast to scapula of the same side every time the child nurses , nipple very sore

22. Spasmodic rigid os ,delays labour , needle like pricking pains in cervix

23. Vicarious menstruation , nose bleed when menses should appear

24. Pinning boys , low spirited , life less, weak, memories lacking in boyish go,testis underdeveloped , mere pendent shreds

25. Cholera like symptoms at the commencement of menstruation

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