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Welcome to the online Test GI SURGERY

1. A 45 year old man presents with regurgitated food particles eaten several days earlier. He has foul smelling breath and occasional dysphagia for solid food. What is the probable diagnosis?

2. Heller’s myotomy is done for?

3. Most accurate method for diagnosis of GERD?

4. Bird beak appearance of esophagus?

5. Cork screw esophagus seen in?

6. Most common type of foreign body in children?

7. Fundoplication is used in treatment of

8. Newborn baby with regurgitation of feeds and continuous drooling of saliva?

9. Violent vomiting after forceful retching present with sudden severe haematemesis Diagnosis?

10. Not seen in intestinal type of gastric cancer?

11. Olive shaped mas on feeding is pathognomic of?

12. Linitus plastic is a type of

13. Urease breath test is used to diagnose?

14. Which of the following is most commonly involved in haemorrhage from duodenal ulcer?

15. Child with bilious vomit, and mother polyhydramnios and double bubble, diagnosis?

16. In case of hypertrphic pyloric stenosis the metabolic disturbance is?

17. Dumping syndrome can occur after?

18. Ramsted’s operation is for?

19. Most common location of lymphoma in GIT?

20. Burn and hematemesis?

21. Skip lesion seen on microscopic visualization of gut wall is characteristic of?

22. Which does Hirschprung’s disease involve?

23. A 45 year old man presents with an upper gastrointestinal bleed. An upper GI endoscopy reveals multiple duodenal ulcers and an enlarged stomach. Diagnosis?

24. Most common cause of duodenal obstruction in adults

25. False about malignancy in ulcerative colitis?

26. Meckel’s diverticulum is patent of?

27. Most common cause of acute intestinal obstruction is?

28. Based on epidemiological studies which of the following has been found to be most protective against carcinoma colon?

29. Deficiency of which vitamin is commonly seen in short bowel syndrome with ileal resection?

30. A lady comes with polyp in intestine melanotic pigmentation of lips and positive family history. Most probable diagnosis is?

31. False about malignancy in ulcerative colitis?

32. Which of the following is the most common non-alcoholic cause of acute pancreatitis?

33. Which of the following criteria is/are not included in Ranson’s scoring?

34. . Not true about pancreatic ductal adeno-carcinoma:

35. Best tumor marker for CA head of pancreas:

36. Which of the following types of islet cells secrete amylin?

37. Bezoar in the stomach present as:

38. In a burn patient, the doctor is looking for curling ulcer. Which part should be examined?

39. Retractile mesenteris may be seen in:

40. ‘Gas’ in the tissue should be differentiated with:

41. Which one is not true regarding hyperplastic ileocecal tuberculosis?

42. Renal calculus is seen in massive bowel resection due to:

43. Most common site of colonic carcinoma:

44. Which of the following is true about colon carcinoma?

45. True about familial polyposis colon cancer syndrome except:

46.Guaiac test is used for:

47. . Skip lesions with tuberculoid granulomas is characteristic of:

48. Hemorrhoids managed by manual reduction:

49. External hemorrhoids below the dentate line are:

50. Commonest complication following haemorrhoidectomy is:

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