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Welcome to the online Test SURGERY HEPATOBILIARY & RENAL

1. Most common cause of liver abscess in chronic granulomatous disease:

2. Most common cause of liver abscess:

3. Which of the following is the most common cause of pyogenic liver abscess?

4. True treatment regarding hepatic amoebiasis:

5. Diagnosis of hydatid disease is by:

6. False about hepatic adenoma:

7. All of the following are true regarding FNH except:

8. All are true about liver hemangioma except:

9. False about hepatocelluar carcinoma is:

10. All are true about AFP except:

11. Least common presentation of HCC:

12 All are true about fibrolamellar HCC except:

13. Multiple liver secondaries are most common in the following cancers:

14. All are true about hepatoblastoma except:

15. Most common indication for liver transplantation in children is:

16. Left posterior sector of liver consists of:

17. Following resection of 2/3rd of the liver, regeneration is complete within:

18. Portal triad is not formed by:

19. False about hepatic duct:

20. Quadrate lobe of liver is present between:

21. Which is not elevated in a child presenting with jaundice, icterus, pruritus and clay colored stools?

22. Vitamin to be corrected in obstructive jaundice:

23. “Crumbled egg appearance” in liver is seen in:

24. Honey-comb liver is seen in:

25. Risk factor for angiosarcoma of liver:

26. Primary sinusoidal dilatation of liver is also known as:

27. Focal lesion of liver is best detected by:

28. Child-Pugh criteria does not include:

29. Best test for esophageal varices is:

30. True about Budd-Chiari syndrome is the following except:

31. Veno-occlusive disease is seen in all except:

32. All are true about pigmented stones except:

33. Lithogenic bile has the following properties:

34. Cholesterol gallstones are due to:

35. Mercedes benz sign or Seagull sign is seen in:

36. All are true about Gallstone ileus except:

37. Not true about ‘Struvite Stones’ is:

38. Randall’s plaques causes:

39. A patient with alkaline urine which is cloudy with plenty of pus cells is suffering from infection with:

40. Commonest presentation of bilateral ureteric stones:

41. All are radioopaque except one:

42. Subcapsular nephrectomy is indicated is:

43. Most common route of infection in kidney tuberculosis:

44. “Golf-hole” ureter is seen in:

45. Renal cell carcinoma histopathologicaly showing ‘perinuclear halo’ and “Plant like” structure in malignant cells is seen in:

46. Most common site for secondary metastasis in a case of hypernephroma:

47. Most important prognostic indicator for renal cell carcinoma:

48. True regarding Wilm’s tumour is:

49. Polycystic kidney disease is associated with all of the following except:

50. “Hand joining sign” and ‘Flower vase’ pattern of uteters is characteristic of:

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