1. Presence of which of the following correlates best with chronic renal failure.
2. Commonest presentation of wilm’s tumour is
3. An adolescent male presents with hypokalaemia, metabolic alkalosis, hypercalciuria and Nephrocalcinosis. His blood pressure is normal. The likely diagnosis is:
4. A 65 years old smoker presents with gross total painless haematuria. The most likely diagnosis is
5. A 28 years old boy met with an accident and sustained severe crush injury. He is most likely to develop
6. Tumor lysis syndrome is associated with all of the following features except
7. Creatinine clearance test is used to assess
8. Oliguric phase of renal failure, all are true except
9. Most common cause of CRF in adults
10. Most common viral infection after kidney transplantation is
11. Restless leg syndrome is seen in
12. All of the following decrease in nephrotic syndrome except
13. Following features are of acute glomerulonephritis except
14. IgA nephropathy is seen in
15. 22 years presents with haemoptysis and haematuria with basement membrane antibodies. Most likely diagnosis is
16. A 25 years boy presents with renal failure. His uncle died of renal failure three years ago. Slit lamp examination reveals lenticonus/keratoconus. The likely diagnosis is
17. Clinical features of minimal change glomerulonephritis are all except
18. Which of the following is the first clinically detectable sign of diabetic nephropathy
19. Pathological changes of diabetic nephropathy are all except
20. HIV associated nephropathy is a type of
21. Wire loop lesions are often characteristic for the following
22. All are features of haemolytic uremic syndrome except
23. Low renin hypertension is seen in all of the following except
24. Renal vein thrombosis is most commonly associated with
25. All of the following type of renal stone are radiopaque, except
26. Adult polycystic kidney is inherited as
27. Which of the following is associated with adult polycystic kidney disease?
28. Polycystic disease of kidney may have cysts in all of the following organs except
29. Not correct regarding renal cell carcinoma
30. Most common site for secondary metastasis in a case of hypernephroma
31. Which of the following statements about wilm’s tumour is true
32. Which of the following statements about HUS is least correct
33. Most characteristic glomerulonephritis in HIV is
34. Urinalysis shows RBC casts; likely source is
35. Bence jones proteins are derived from
36. Salt losing nephritis is a feature of
37. Post infective glomerulonephritis present as
38. Crescentic glomerulonephritis may be seen in all of the following except
39. In leprosy most common renal lesion is
40. Distal renal tubular acidosis is associated with
41. Renal artery stenosis may occur in all of the following except
42. All of the following statements about renal stones are correct except
43. Referred pain from ureteric colic is felt in the groin due to involvement of the following nerve
44. The most common histological variant of renal cell carcinoma is
45. Classical triad of renal cell carcinoma includes all of the following except
46. Nephrocalcinosis is a feature a/e
47. Which of the following mucoprotein forms the matrix of a hyline cast
48. The diuretic phase of acute renal failure is typically begins after
49. Feature of chronic renal failure include all, except
50. Metabolic complication in CRF include all of the following except