Homoeopathy Coaching

Materia Medica

Welcome to the online Test Materia Medica

1. Medicine for Day blindness is

2. Medicine for “clubbing of fingers” is

3. Medicine useful for so called three months colic, especially if it recurs at regular hours, much rumbling in the abdomen

4. “Toothache worse from drinking coffee and smoking” is seen in

5. Which medicine is useful for “Tea-tasters cough” due to inhaling the fungus?

6. “Thirst for very cold drinks” is seen in which magnesia group medicine

8. Assertion (A): Calc phos is the complimentary drug of Carbo animalis Reason (R): Carbo animalis contains Calcium phosphate

9. Assertion (A): Cimicifuga and Helleborus niger belongs to the same family Reason (R): Cimicifuga and Helleborus niger are inimical to each other

10. Assertion (A): Dr.Hering proved both Lachesis and Naja tripudians Reason(R): Lachesis and Naja belongs to the Ophidia family

11. Assertion (A): Allen’s Keynotes contains 168 medicines Reason (R): Allen’s Keynotes is based entirely on Hering’s Guiding Symptoms

12. Assertion (A): Allium sativa and Squilla are inimical remedies Reason (R): Allium sativa and Squilla belongs to the same family

13. Assertion (A): J.H.Clarke’s Dictionary of Practical Materia medica was published in the year 1900 Reason (R): Symptoms of each medicine in J.H.Clarke’s Dictionary of Practical Materia medica is arranged in a schematic manner in 29 headings

14. Medicine for “Type writer’s paralysis” is

15. Which among the following is an inimical drug of Ran bulb

16. Pyrogenium gets

17. Kali iodide is suitable in which stage of syphilis

18. “Can emit urine only when he goes on his knees, pressing head firmly against the floor” is the symptom of

19. “The true physician is the man who knows how to make the best cures and the most expert healer is the man who knows best how to handle his Materia medica” Whose statement is this

20. Match the following Vegetable analogue Chemical analouge  A. Dulcamara 1. Kali iodide  B. Phytolacca 2. Plumb met  C. Ipecac 3. Kali sulph  D. Podophyllum 4. Cuprum met

21. “Fear of being assassinated” is seen in

22. “Blue flag” is the common name of

23. Black thorn is common name of

24. Which among the following statements is wrong  1. Carbo veg and Drosera are complementary medicines  2. Kreosotum follows well after Carbo veg  3. Carbo veg and Carbo animalis are inimicals  4. Kali carb is the complementary drug of Carbo veg

25. According to Hahnemann which one is the only medicine that in its primary action does not produce a single pain

26. Varicose veins especially of lower extremities– is seen in

27. “Hearing difficult especially to human voice” is seen in

28. . Thyroidinum is prepared from dried thyroid gland of which animal

29. “Worms with foul breath, choking” – medicine is

30. Complementary drug of Sabadilla is

31. Which among the following is a medicine for fissures of nipples in nursing women

32. Inimical medicine of Zinc met

33. Complimentary medicine of Camphor

34. Which among the following is a medicine proved by Dr.Hahnemann

35. Find out the medicine from the following symptoms  Ailments from cutting wisdom teeth  Craving for meat  Heart-burn of pregnancy

36. “Loves fat and salt” is the symptom of

37. “Eating a little too much causes headache” in

38. Urine :pale ,yellow,can only be passed by bearing down with abdominal muscles ;weakness of bladder.

39. violent cramps in feet,calves;thighs;with watery,painless stools.

40. constipation :obstinate with backache;from inactivity of rectum;when sulphur fails to relieve.

41. terrible toothache during early months of pregnancy;tooth feels elongated;<lying,compelling to rise and walk about.

42. cough deep ,dry ,precedes the fever paroxysms

43. family of rhododendron chrysanthum

44. antim tart follows well in catarrhal affections and skin diseases.

45. constipation ,with ineffectual urging >by drinking cold milk

46. for persons who are wearing out under the physical and mental strain of a busy life;who suffer from exhausted nerves and brain.

47. .this medicine antidotes mercurial ,lead colic ,oil of turpentine ,spirituous liquors,and especially the effects of bad beer.

48. tall lean stooping persons ,dark complexion ,sanguine choleric temperament.

49. joints weak,easily sprained by slight exertion.

50. slow of perception ;intellectual torpor ,gradually increasing apathy.

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